Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Notes from Dec 10th

Chapter 25 (Abolition of death)
God has planned this from the beginning, He is worthy of exhaltation (the only One), He is sovereign - a city He said would fall has, if He says never to be rebuilt - it isn't. "A palace of strangers is a city no more" (US?) never to be rebuilt.
Strong people glorify God- strong but submitted, there is strength in knowing our position in relation to God
Cities of ruthless nations will revere Him, Nation ruthless, but city reveres - anarchy? Are the Iranians all bad or is it just their government?

He has defended the helpless, defended the needy, been a refuge or place of safety in a storm (even in the tribulation period) shade from the heat- all this to those that humble themselves, admit their condition and seek Him.

Ruthless like rain against the wall - a roar, but no real threat, about to be subdued and silenced by God. His plan again from beginning.

Lavish banquet prepared (FOR ALL PEOPLES) invitation is clearly to all. Covering of all people is swallowed up. The covering is death- Jesus swallowed it up for us. All peoples everywhere recognize death, it is not a respecter of position either. Jesus turned it from death to sleep- by swallowing it up- for those who choose Him.

Every tear wiped away, reproach (dishonor) removed from His people (Israel). Jews are not honored as His people, in fact a great number of people loathe them- God is allowing this, but one day it will be removed- He has spoken it. As sure as the earth.

This is the Lord for whom we have waited - all the things we have said that others dismissed as being too far-fetched will happen, the seemingly (humanly) foolish (from human perspective) things we believe will happen. The Lord's hand will be on the mountain, it will be obvious. Moab (representation of all the enemies of God- not acknowledging Him or serving Him makes you an enemy also) will be trodden like straw into wet manure. Man will try to swim through it, but will be faced with the fact that God is sovereign (the things man rely on will fail him- go back to dust).

Chapter 26 (Song of trust and triumph)

God makes us secure, not our own efforts, we will be in perfect peace if our mind is focused on Him.

He brings low the "unassailable city" He let the "unsinkable" ship sink.

Our internal spirit will diligently seek Him- takes training, practice, ?????

People learn righteousness through the experience on earth of His judgements. Millenial generation- question everything, want things made/changed to suit them.

Though the wicked is shown favor- patience and kindness of God- continuing chances. His desire that all come to know Him.

Establishment of true peace comes from the Lord- not man

Distress makes them seek the Lord.

Gave birth to wind- could not deliver the earth- an admission that man needs God, otherwise are efforts are in vain. Death will happen, but God's dead will live again, they will rise.

Come my people and enter your rooms and hide while the indignation runs its course- (that is a rapture reference)

Chapter 27 (Revival of God's vineyard)

In that day God will punish Leviathan (7 headed monster- the enemy of God's created order). The vineyard trampled way back in chapter 5 will be restored, with the Lord as its keeper. He'll water it - living water- and guard it. He has no wrath- when He is given briars and thorns He tramples them or burns them, but He doesn't label the giver, because the start of verse 5 says "or" let someone rely on God for protection, let him make peace with God. The opportunity for people to change heart exists now, and will exist in the trib period.

We like to keep a record of wrongs- but it isn't God's way, He loves us. People beat themselves up over their past to the point they feel they should accept punishment, and act accordingly. God's salvation is available, and it is a lie to think its not, or it isn't available to you.

Israel will take root and the entire world will learn of the Lord through Israel.

Has God struck Israel like the jews struck Him (Jesus), Has He slaughtered them like they slaughtered His prophets. He contended with Israel by sending them away, He sent them into exile (this hasn't happened yet). Exiled - Jacob's iniquity will be forgiven when alter stones are pulverized, the fortified city is isolated (alone). dry limbs will be broken off- not in fellowship with God. Not a people of discernment, can see only the now and not the consequences. The entire society is going that way- its all about today- squander are resources now (and we have) debt is spent future income. People don't discern consequences of current actions. God will not have compassion on such, nor be gracious. He will thresh the good- separate grain from chaff and -rid evil

Ch 28 Denunciation of Samaria and Jerusalem

I think sometimes we get so caught up in future glory and get to where we long for it so badly we lose sight of the task at hand. On one side God doesn't want us so focused on the immediate (problem or issue) that it becomes bigger in our mind than He. He gave Isaiah glimpses of the future, on the other hand He wants us to not focus too much on the glorious future, because that can also take away from the proper focus we should have - fully on Him.

Isaiah is back to writing about present times - Proud Ephraim- and drunk Lord has an agent, He has allowed it to trod proud and drunk Ephraim underfoot. A remnant will trust the Lord and be at peace- but still overrun.

Priests and prophets- those that should set the example are drunk and proud, there is no clean place. Their relationship with God (although they hold the title is such that God cannot teach them. So He will treat them like children and teach them like children, basic and repetitive. God will use foreign tongue and stammering lips. He offered them rest and repose but they would not listen, so they went and stumbled backward, were snared, and taken captive.

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