Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Notes from Isaiah Bible study December 17, 2008

Judah is warned that their pact will not help them - they made a pact of protection- this probably refers to the pact they made with Egypt when the Assyrians were a threat. It was not God directed though nevertheless those in Judah felt secure in their alliance so they scoffed at the threat. It was an alliance with men. Even though the Assyrians were going around them, yet they convinced themselves they were safe. Some people don't want to face reality. What is reality- is it what our five senses tell us or is it "thus saith the Lord"? Its easy to see why people convince themselves of certain things.

God set Jesus as a cornerstone (or would) - Himself- believing and trusting in God would be the only way not to be "disturbed". A cornerstone - Christ reference, he that believes in Christ will not be disturbed. The cornerstone will be based on justice and righteousness, lies will be swept away.

The Lord is stating His sovereignty- our works are nothing, our pacts are worthless unless they are ordained by God. Their supposed safety was to be trampled, anytime day or night- terror would come along. We live in a society today longing for safety:
we buy insurance why? -for the unexpected, the sudden, we're sending OUR money to "Egypt" (in a sense) on the backs of camels to a people who can't help us. the insurance premiums you pay will almost invariably be more than you ever get back.

We want to know, and God says we can't know- we must trust Him

Their security, their alliance with men will be trampled, often, trampling will bring about terror, too short of a bed(crowded), not enough blanket (scarce). Yet God gave them a choice. Securuty comes through trusting God. Scoffing at the threat (without God) was a bad thing to do. Decisive destruction on all the earth- a present and future glimpse.

Its a cycle like farming, Gods promises will come about in due time (His time- not ours). God also reaches out to people in different ways (like they are different plants). God reaches out to them (attends to them) in the manner that is best for them. Like God is sensitive to us we should be sensitive to others.

Ch 29 Imminent siege of Jerusalem

God is going to allow His city of Jerusalem to be taken. It will be surrounded by the Assyrians, but He will act on His behalf and slay the threat. Later He will allow the city to be taken by the Babylonians. Their false sense of security will fail them- He will let them return to the dust He created them from.

Vs5 - the enemies (assyrians) will become dust- yet another reminder that He will act at least initially.
later the city gets it.

One of the amazing things about this book is that the same things are repeated so many times- the prophecy is given in so many ways that you can't miss it. Even though we are all different and have different view, and hear the same things differently, God patiently and repeatedly shows us what He wants us to know.

Things happen fast, which is interesting that when God does act its sudden, although we would tend to think while we are waiting around for it that it is slow. Things will happen so fast that it will seem as if we were dreaming. Dreams can seem so real, and yet when we wake up we realize they aren't. This life may seem that way, as compared to eternity spent with God

Instantly and suddenly in verse 5 becomes be delayed and wait in verse 9. Be blind, asleep, be in a position where you can't see the Lord getting ready to act. The Lord ordained it- he turned off the warnings.

The entire vision we can get a glimpse of, but we can't know it- not yet. Its a faith thing- we must act on faith. Its also reality - we get a sense of true reality- God in control and on the throne, but we can't explain it, we can't predict it, because we can't know for certain. Again its back to trusting Him, not our own efforts, our own intellect.

We also must act- drawing near to God with words alone does not mean our hearts are committed. Our reverence of God becomes ritual-by ritual we feel like we can be in control - God I will honor you by taking Sunday off, but Saturday I'm going to go to that bar. We then convince ourselves we are wise- we have it figured out but we don't. Our discernment and wisdom are worthless- again it is without God's direction.

We feel we can hide things from God, which we can't. We can only hide them from man- we may acknowledge God knows about them- we may justify them - we may think He won't act (He loves us too much). But when we do such we are denying God's sovereignty, we are denying His rightful place in our lives. We have turned things around and feel we have a better understanding than God.

God will act (without the help of men- something we often forget- I think of Iraq). To think He NEEDS are help is to raise us up and lower Him. We may act out of obedience to Him, but He will accomplish what He wills with or without us.

Blessings- the deaf will hear, the blind will see, the afflicted will increase in gladness to the Lord, the needy will rejoice in the Lord. (Jesus)

Ruthless come to an end, people indicted by a word (one witness), people who act as judges (adjudicates). Jacob will see His people in their midst and turn to Him

Ch 30 Judah's dependence on Egypt

Another warning against alliance with Egypt ( Hezekiah tried to make an alliance against the Assyrians) without God's direction. They sought Egypt for safety from tha Assyrin threat. The Lord delivered them miraculously from slavery in Egypt, but how quickly they forgot. Another common theme in the Bible. God does something in a life- they attribute it to God but then later think He can't or won't act again so they have to make alliances or arrangements. Looking back its easy to see God working in our past, but we need to be cognizant that He is just as present now and is also in our future.

Egypt looked like a good choice for safety- they were seemingly strong. In modern day is the US Israel's Egypt? We seem strong. Well back then they sent their money for protection to the Egyptians which God said could not protect them.

It was a time of rebellious people - who refused to listen to God. many younger people have told me that morality and religion isn't an important consideration in selecting a political candidate. Sons who refuse to listen to instruction from the Lord. They didn't/don't want to hear what God has to say, they only wanted to hear the good things- even if it was lies. They wanted nothing to do with the Lord.

The Lord promised in that day quick - unexpected change -complete. In repentance and rest they would be saved, in quietness and trust would be their strength. They weren't willing. They had the answers, they would flee from the crisis.

God longs to be gracious to them, and He waits. He will come back. People will turn to Him, He will show them the way to walk.

The Lord comes to shake the nations, to put the brible in their mouth that leads to desruction. There will be gladness in heart for His people. Celebration and festival in heaven, punishment and judgement on earth.

Topheth lake of fire prepared, Topheth was the place where children were sacrificed to molech. Its interesting the same place is referenced. A place where the wicked burned the innocent is the same place the wicked will end up

Ch 31 God's deliverence

God and not egypt will deliver His people. They see strength, man's answer. God will cause the "help" to stumble. He who helps will stumble and he who is helped will fall - blind leading the blind Matthew 15:14

The Lord promises He will protect Jerusalem, and asks His people to repent and turn to Him. Which will eventually happen, but hasn't yet.

The Assyrians will fall by a sword not of man (but of God). They will see a miracle first hand and not repent, nor turn to Him

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Notes from Dec 10th

Chapter 25 (Abolition of death)
God has planned this from the beginning, He is worthy of exhaltation (the only One), He is sovereign - a city He said would fall has, if He says never to be rebuilt - it isn't. "A palace of strangers is a city no more" (US?) never to be rebuilt.
Strong people glorify God- strong but submitted, there is strength in knowing our position in relation to God
Cities of ruthless nations will revere Him, Nation ruthless, but city reveres - anarchy? Are the Iranians all bad or is it just their government?

He has defended the helpless, defended the needy, been a refuge or place of safety in a storm (even in the tribulation period) shade from the heat- all this to those that humble themselves, admit their condition and seek Him.

Ruthless like rain against the wall - a roar, but no real threat, about to be subdued and silenced by God. His plan again from beginning.

Lavish banquet prepared (FOR ALL PEOPLES) invitation is clearly to all. Covering of all people is swallowed up. The covering is death- Jesus swallowed it up for us. All peoples everywhere recognize death, it is not a respecter of position either. Jesus turned it from death to sleep- by swallowing it up- for those who choose Him.

Every tear wiped away, reproach (dishonor) removed from His people (Israel). Jews are not honored as His people, in fact a great number of people loathe them- God is allowing this, but one day it will be removed- He has spoken it. As sure as the earth.

This is the Lord for whom we have waited - all the things we have said that others dismissed as being too far-fetched will happen, the seemingly (humanly) foolish (from human perspective) things we believe will happen. The Lord's hand will be on the mountain, it will be obvious. Moab (representation of all the enemies of God- not acknowledging Him or serving Him makes you an enemy also) will be trodden like straw into wet manure. Man will try to swim through it, but will be faced with the fact that God is sovereign (the things man rely on will fail him- go back to dust).

Chapter 26 (Song of trust and triumph)

God makes us secure, not our own efforts, we will be in perfect peace if our mind is focused on Him.

He brings low the "unassailable city" He let the "unsinkable" ship sink.

Our internal spirit will diligently seek Him- takes training, practice, ?????

People learn righteousness through the experience on earth of His judgements. Millenial generation- question everything, want things made/changed to suit them.

Though the wicked is shown favor- patience and kindness of God- continuing chances. His desire that all come to know Him.

Establishment of true peace comes from the Lord- not man

Distress makes them seek the Lord.

Gave birth to wind- could not deliver the earth- an admission that man needs God, otherwise are efforts are in vain. Death will happen, but God's dead will live again, they will rise.

Come my people and enter your rooms and hide while the indignation runs its course- (that is a rapture reference)

Chapter 27 (Revival of God's vineyard)

In that day God will punish Leviathan (7 headed monster- the enemy of God's created order). The vineyard trampled way back in chapter 5 will be restored, with the Lord as its keeper. He'll water it - living water- and guard it. He has no wrath- when He is given briars and thorns He tramples them or burns them, but He doesn't label the giver, because the start of verse 5 says "or" let someone rely on God for protection, let him make peace with God. The opportunity for people to change heart exists now, and will exist in the trib period.

We like to keep a record of wrongs- but it isn't God's way, He loves us. People beat themselves up over their past to the point they feel they should accept punishment, and act accordingly. God's salvation is available, and it is a lie to think its not, or it isn't available to you.

Israel will take root and the entire world will learn of the Lord through Israel.

Has God struck Israel like the jews struck Him (Jesus), Has He slaughtered them like they slaughtered His prophets. He contended with Israel by sending them away, He sent them into exile (this hasn't happened yet). Exiled - Jacob's iniquity will be forgiven when alter stones are pulverized, the fortified city is isolated (alone). dry limbs will be broken off- not in fellowship with God. Not a people of discernment, can see only the now and not the consequences. The entire society is going that way- its all about today- squander are resources now (and we have) debt is spent future income. People don't discern consequences of current actions. God will not have compassion on such, nor be gracious. He will thresh the good- separate grain from chaff and -rid evil

Ch 28 Denunciation of Samaria and Jerusalem

I think sometimes we get so caught up in future glory and get to where we long for it so badly we lose sight of the task at hand. On one side God doesn't want us so focused on the immediate (problem or issue) that it becomes bigger in our mind than He. He gave Isaiah glimpses of the future, on the other hand He wants us to not focus too much on the glorious future, because that can also take away from the proper focus we should have - fully on Him.

Isaiah is back to writing about present times - Proud Ephraim- and drunk Lord has an agent, He has allowed it to trod proud and drunk Ephraim underfoot. A remnant will trust the Lord and be at peace- but still overrun.

Priests and prophets- those that should set the example are drunk and proud, there is no clean place. Their relationship with God (although they hold the title is such that God cannot teach them. So He will treat them like children and teach them like children, basic and repetitive. God will use foreign tongue and stammering lips. He offered them rest and repose but they would not listen, so they went and stumbled backward, were snared, and taken captive.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Notes from Dec. 3, 2008 Isaiah Bible study

Kedar - Black and swarthy, a son of Ishmael, and the name of a nomadic arabian tribe. and one of their settlements. Ishmael- man's solution to Abraham having descendants. Gen 25:13

Chapter 22
The valley of vision- Jerusalem- a city on a hill with higher hills in the distance. Back to the Assyrian threat - Judah is fully surrounded. Isaiah had warned them for years at this point that they needed to turn to God and rely on Him rather than other people or their own "self sufficiency". They had exlpored alliances, they had fortified their wall, and stored up water, and yet the valley before Jerusalem was full of Assryian Chariots. Now Isaiah sees that God is going to allow Jerusalem to be taken- he sees the day of destruction, he cries.

Isaiah really had a heart for his people and it grieved him terribly that he knew they would suffer (God set a day(s) for it) the very thing he had so earnestly desire that they avoid. He sees the city falling the kings trying to escape at the last minute (Babylon). They would ultimately never relied on God, they never seek relationship with Him, they never included Him in their plans- or better yet asked Him what their plans should be.

So with a surrounded city and still time to turn to God (He was seeking their repentance and honoring of Him) what did they do? Instead of repenting and turning to God they decided to eat drink and be merry- they gave up. They felt they had struggled so long that they just gave up. Have we battled health or finances or work or church issues to the point where we give/gave up- didn't care- left, become reckless? I'm sure we all can think of times we wanted to. Did we turn to God- did we listen to His guidance? Or did we do what we thought was best?

Shebna was in charge of the royal household and as a leader was setting a poor example- the Lord said he would be replaced by Eliakim- who was initially a man that follows God (has relationship). Riches and stature are of no value before God but rather relationship. His very job or position was a gift from God that God was about to take away. God would then give it to someone else (Eliakim) he would become the father of Jerusalem- the example. God would be with him opening doors nobody can shut and shutting doors nobody can open.

But Eliakim the "firm peg" would eventually be broken and fall. Isaiah saw Jerusalem being overrun, it was going to happen - but not by the Assyrian army (Angel of the Lord smites them) - now surrounding the city. In the desparate times they were experiencing God would deliver them for the time being, they would turn to Him for a while. Ultimately they would not stay with Him, and He would not protect them from the Babylonians.

Chapter 23
An oracle concerning Tyre - a trading nation that was punished by God for its pride. It took Egyptian grain to other countries around the mediterranean - this would hurt Egypt's economy. They colonized many lands.

The Lord planned it due to their pride. They were honored by others in the world, and had pride in what they could accomplish. They acted like royalty. Sidon is part of it, and even if they flee to Cyprus - they would find no rest- running from God's will is pointless. Jonah tried to hide in Tarshish and its mentioned here.

Tyre would be destroyed 70 years, then be allowed to play the harlot again. Her gain and harlot's wages will be set apart to the Lord, her gain will become sufficient food and choice attire for those that dwell in the presence of the Lord. No comment mentioned. Millenium? Prov 23:4, Prov 28:8. I can't help but draw a parallel between Tyre and Sidon and the US. Lots of national pride- respected around the world (even after 8 years of Bush) the world watched very closely our election. There is a lot of national pride as to what the American people can do. Its uncanny that in Isaiah the chapter before apocalypse - it talks about a nation that really influenced the world of that day.

Chapter 24-27 are the apocalyptic chapters of Isaiah. The last days and God's judgement on sin.

Chapter 24 (World convulsions)
The Lord will lay the earth waste, devestate it and distort its surface. This will scatter the inhabitants. Prior to millenium?
First thing mentioned- hasn't happened yet. I think we're on our way to waste, devestation and distortion of the surface-how would that look- the big one in CA. Nuclear weapons used in the middle east?

The people will be like the priest- the different will become the same
the servant like his master
the maid like her mistress
buyer like the seller
lender like the borrower - bank bail out
creditor like debtor -bank bail out (world wide)

Convulsions are pre-millenium - earthquakes and changing the way it rotates, etc. New heaven and earth created- post millenium. So prior to reign of Christ on earth there will be dramatic changes, but the new heaven and earth will be after His earthly reign?

Exalted people fade (wither) away- haughty people - those who think they have all the answers, earth polluted by inhabitants (people)
Earth burned - few men left, tribulation - sighs, revelers stop- eventually things get very serious for the inhabitants of earth. Joy turns to gloom and gaiety banished.

Just before? A turning to the Lord- a worldwide revival vs 14-16 it could be those left after the tribulation. Then treacherousness- treacherous is traitor or a changing of sides, seemingly one way but really another- true feelings come out. Then terror, pit, and snare earth inhabitants. Fleeing from one trouble will lead directly to another- too much to take in.

Windows open above, earth shakes below- an open window is an entry point to heavenlies, or reject His call and stay on the shaking earth.

Confinement or imprisonment of evil- both from heaven and earth (during millenium) then punishment (after millenium)

Moon abashed- David Jeremiah allah is the moon god, abashed means humbled. Islamics are zealous for their god, but he isn't the Most High God- Their god isn't big enough, he needs help.
sun is ashamed - another religion? not sure. term "Most High God" used in poly theistic context Beth Moore heard 12/3/2008 WMIT. Moon abashed- turned to blood according to Joel, Sun darkened so also a literal event.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

November 19, 2008 Notes on Isaiah

Chapter 20
Additional note on Damascus, Aram (Damascus) and Israel aligned themselves against Judah, but were both swept away by Assryia. Damascus no longer being a city may point to a future time or that it was destroyed and later rebuilt.

Ethiopia - from that chapter (Cush) was actually a southern kingdom of Egypt, and was in control of Egypt at the time Isaiah was talking about. This was why they were important.

Egypt was prophesied to have anarchy (civil war), internal strife and be conquered. The Assyrians did this, so it has happened at least once. It was recorded by Jeremiah (46) and Ezekiel (29). With Isaiah's prophecy, Jeremiah's and Ezekiel's that was three warnings for the people of that day. OT NT we have grace, we have the written Word that we can read, all this is different than in those times, but how is God telling us what His plans are? Are we listening to Him for His plans, or do we concern ourselves with our plans while He taries.

The rapture and end times shouldn't be a surprise to believers, so as a believer what is He telling you?
If He tells you the season of it would you live your life differently and in what ways?

In the last verse of ch 19 He says "blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance. In Jesus time the major concentration of Jews were in the Euphrates valley (those that did not return from exile, Egypt- a remnant went there to escape the fall of Judah and Jerusalem and were evidently still there, and in Jerusalem and the former nation now under control by Rome. Jesus first coming had the jews in those areas, it is also a foreshadowing of a later time when He comes again.

King Sargon is mentioned as king of Assyria, there was no mention of him in other historical documents except the Bible. When Ninevah was unearthed, then references to a Sargon were found. For some events a specific king or circumstance is mentioned, this is probably a singular prophecy that the people can see (or will see fullfilled near term). Other prophecies are more general, like destruction of Damascus, famine in Egypt, etc. These might seemingly happen a number of times, or be fulfilled in part and later fully completed. Prophecy will happen- God spoke -we have the world, so a God given prophecy is just as sure as the earth we live on.

In looking at a map Assyria is north east of Israel, The Assyrians overthrew the northern kingdom (Israel) part of which was west and northwest of Judah, Aram -Northeast (Damascus), Arabia to the east, Moab to the southeast, Philistia to the southwest, and eventually Egypt to the south. This would mean Judah was surrounded.

Ashdod is a Philistine city (southwest) of Judah, Assyria seemingly forked on both sides of Judah and were about to overun Egypt and Cush. This would have been the only possible ally left for Judah. God told Isaiah to go naked and barefoot for three years as a sign from God that Egypt and Cush (the southern kingdom) would be conquered by Assyria. Alliance was pointless. Just as God used the fate of other nations to show His people that they could only really rely on Him, the lesson is there for us. Only God is able to take care of us. Yet for thousands of years in a fallen state man has been stiff necked and stubborn on this point. One of the resources implied that the prophecy against Egypt was given to discourage a possible Judah and Egypt alliance. He desires us to turn to Him, and a surrounded Judah would have lost any "logical", "worldly" answer.

Their only recourse was to rely on God, and God was faithful, He destroyed the invading Assyrian army. Yet Judah "forgot" and was overun eventually by Babylon.

Before that Isaiah's nakedness is impressive. First of all being naked was a humiliation, just as it would be today. Isaiah was so sold out to God, so trusting, so convinced- he went around naked for three years at God's command. Are we as obedient as he was? Are we willing to risk OUR personal humiliation to be obedient to God?

That kind of obedience to God did not prevent Judah's ultimate poor decisions and being overun by Babylon. Question -if the church is here to prevent evil or hold it back, and has a track record (in this country anyway) of being full of people who aren't as obedient to God as Isaiah was, why does it need to be removed prior to the tribulation period? The church that I see is not acting on enough faith to prevent the rise of anti-Christ. In fact it could be argued that in the state of our affairs, we are promoting it. On the president elect is outlining his plans, one of the comments posted was by a woman who saw this "change" as a way to be "involved in something beyond herself". As a US citizen, i'm sure she is familiar with the church. Did we get too selfish, and lose our message? Are we now?

Her comment implies that people are hungry (longing), and what the church seems to be offering is not what they are looking for. Strife, splits, of course we as people tend to see the bad.

People in Judah will run from God, and try to avoid the pain they see coming. People do that in their lives as well. How shall we escape? We cannot avoid God not ultimately, yes we deny, we try to hide, but as people seek worldly answers to their desire to run from God or not face Him- He will bring them to a point where there is one conclusion.

Chapter 21
Its interesting that we see in previous chapters the advance of the Assyrians, the temptation to seek logical wordly answers, to run and hide, and the general inclination of people NOT to turn to or rely on God. Now we see a prophecy concerning Babylon. Historically the Babylons overthrew the Assyrians and then were overthrown by the Medes and Persians. So in the midst of dealing (or trying to with the immediate threat) God gives Isaiah a prophecy concerning the future. This shows that God is out in our futures, too often we are to nearsighted- or look to near term.

Wilderness of the sea- Babylon became a city of rivers and canals in the desert.
lay seige Media- Medes- not very well known

God is making an end to Babylon, He used them to punish the Assyrians but pride took over. They became terrifying

verse 5 the night Babylon is overun they are having a party (Daniel 5).

Watchtowers and watchmen- looking for attack, being a warning to the city. Fallen is Babylon- something that seemingly was invincible is now no more. The Assyrians seemed that way, the Babylonians would also. All are in God's Hands.

Oh my threshed people- interesting vision. Wheat muat be threshed (trampled) to expose the grain. I see this as an example of God within us, and we often hide Him. So He allows us to be trampled - overrun, invaded. Our false or human shell can't hold up to this so it cracks and breaks exposing God in us. Then we are winnowed - the seed (good part) and the chaff (bad part are thrown into the air and the chaff blows away- no weight. So His threshed people - its part of a process to allow us to come to know Him. That is His goal- relationship with Him and not necessarily our comfort, security, and health- the things most often prayed for. His goal should be our goal- regardless of circumstance.

V10- he writes and reiterates that this prophecy came from God. Its the message He had for them. In a time of Assyrian threat a prophecy on Babylon is given- how easy it would be to jump to the conclusion that God doesn't care, He isn't aware of our immediate needs.

Oracles about Edom and Arabia. Edom -southeast of dead sea and Judah, Arabia -east of Jordan river in the desert. Edom rejoiced at the fall of Israel and had been a constant enemy of Israel. Seir is another name for Edom. Obadiah foretells the destruction of Edom. Are we glad when bad things happen to those we consider enemies? Do we desire that? In terms of Arabia the towns mentioned are part of trade routes- destruction within a year.
November 12, 2008 notes on Isaiah Bible study class

Thoughts after the last class- why was Moab included in this book? God is telling Isaiah and the people following/reading him of a prophecy that they will see come true. The destruction of Moab- the Assyrians took it over. This will be followed by other prophecies some of which have not come true yet.

Chapter 16

Continued destruction of Moab from pride and arrogance. Actually a very small remnant will be left, the nation will be degraded and impotent. During the destruction refugees would send tribute to Judah asking for protection in Isaiah 16:3-5, and they should not be turned away. Even though these people were not always nice to the Jews, when they call out it is in the nature of God (and the judge who will sit in faithfulness in the tent of David) to accept these people in need and crying out. We should pray that God will stir the hearts of people and change their minds to agree with His. We shouldn't give them "plenty of rope" so they can hang themselves. This is especially true in praying for our leaders- even if we didn't vote for them. Even those seemingly "opposed to us" is God using them to show us something, or is He using us to show them something?

Verse 12 Moab will weary himself in his high place, and his sanctuary, but what has been spoken of the Lord will come to pass. In crisis we turn to our gods, it needs to be God, if He has said something we don't like, we need to submit to Him and get with His program.

This prophecy was given three years before it happened, and verse 14 said it would happen in three years. The Assyrians degraded Moab. People heard the prophecy from Isaiah, and saw it happen. This one the people of his day witnessed.

Is God showing us in His own way today what is about to happen in terms to reassure us of what He plans to do in the future?

Chapter 17

Damascus is about to be removed from being a city. Still exists as a city, destroyed and rebuilt?, destroyed permanenetly at some future date?

Damascus conquered and a lean israel conquered- probably the Assyrian invasion that was about to happen.

v7- in that day man will have regard for his Maker. Hard times bring about revival, people turn "eventually" to Jesus and God, often after realizing the pointlessness of other "gods". Where do you turn first in crisis?

Strong cities will be like forsaken places in the forest- ruined? deserted?

God was forgotten- a sure sign that hard times are on the way. In that day it meant they would be overrun.

They put a lot of effort into what they wanted. They sowed very little for God, or sowed the wrong things. Therefore their harvest was a heap of sickliness and incurable pain. What do we put into God's plan, and if we realize God isn't in it- it isn't His plan.

Many nations come together (Assyrians? or later). God will rebuke them and they will flee
At evening they will be a terror, in the morning they will be no more 2Kings 19:35 the way it happened.

Ch 18
Message to Ethiopia (Cush) Assyria was on the way, and they were trying to make alliances to repel them. Hence messengers. Alliances of nations to repel a threat - modern day NATO. Ethiopia was seeking safety through alliances and we would generally agree the world is "safer" with us being a part of NATO.

Other ways we seek "safety" and "security"
Government- laws and legislation, but government can't change hearts- people by nature are selfish
Science - we figure out the way God makes things work (or better He shows us that knowledge) and through our own pride we think we can predict and control events without Him
Education - we seek knowledge as a way to obtain a secure future. Knowledge comes from God, and only through Him is our future secure.
Medical care- "medicines improve our quality of life" - do they? Or is quality of life found in how closely we follow the Lord's leading.
Financial system -the economy, the more money we have the more secure we are. "We have to rescue the economy or our world will be miserable"

Alliances and security and safety can fail- our safety and security is given by God apart from what we might do. Its a gift from Him to us.

Verse three- what God ordains will happen. Judah rejected an alliance with Cush because they were going to rely on the Lord. Exactly what we need to be doing today. This verse also pertains to a future time when the entire world will see God coming to implement His plan in person. Our plans will fail, and His will succeeed.

Beth Moore- the morning I wrote this had a 5 minute message on the radio. What God has given us He has ordained to. What He has witheld from us He means to. It will be glorious when we see how He will work out situations (pastors at this church- a prime example), He is after all in control. As she said He has no "oops" moments.

Now the coming of the army or the coming of the end times? could be both - spring time to give birds of prey the summer to feed on the dead - lots of turkey vultures in the future.

I love the way it talks about pruning vines and cut away spreading branches. A spreading branch is going out on its own in a new direction, different from the main Branch.

People will learn the lesson of Isaiah 18 the hard way probably and bring gifts to the Lord. After being struck down they will realize it isn't out of meanness or cruelty but rather out of love a correction for going in a direction our creator doesn't want us to. Pray our pride and stubbornness is reduced to the point that we will bend (without breaking) in the direction He wants us to go.

Ch 19
The Lord will come to Egypt, and the Idols will tremble at His presence (earthquake). There will be fear as the Egyptians realize who God is. Civil war will break out and they will be demoralized and turn to idols- again what/who/Who people rely on they turn to in crisis. Ghosts of the dead spiritists and mediums- we always feel like if someone can come back from the dead and show us what is on the other side we could get some answers. The devil can pretend to be the person gone (he certainly knows of their life), and fool those seeking that into bad decisions. Yet they will have a cruel master.

Severe drought is described, climate change? The economy -fisherman and weavers affected. Pharoah will seek his wisest advisors council, and yet if God isn't involved in the advice, the advice is stupid, and worthless. Yet people will put stock in such advice. Sometimes God's advice may seem foolish by the world's standards, but if we consider the source and rely on it, it will be good advice. Interesting - seemingly good advice comes from those who don't know what they are doing, and seemingly not so good advice comes from Him who is in control. What advice are we following?

The Lord had a plan - just exactly what He wanted to happen to Egypt, but rather than realize and abide by His plan, they follow distortion, and stagger in their own vomit.

No work for Egypt (the economy dead?), a weakened nation - not the power it once was. Trembling and weak, Judah (another nation) will become a terror to them. It is fulfilling the Lord's purpose. Part of their nation will be taken- like another country.

The people will turn to God (in the midst of oppression, invasion, hard economic times, and drought). Sometimes that is what it takes.

He will deliver them and send them a Savior (Jesus). They will make vows to the Lord (verbal) then perform it (action).

The Lord strikes, but heals, bringing people to Himself. Egypt Assyria has a highway between - freely interact. Both Assyria and Egypt will worship the Lord. Israel will join them, and the three will be a blessing in the midst of the earth.

Isaiah quotes the Lord as saying : Egypt are His people, Assyria is the work of His hands, and Israel is His inheritance.

Different become one- the theme that has been brought up before.