Saturday, August 20, 2016


From last time, as to demons, they do exist. If we realize they do we're far more likely to reject their leadings. If we foolishly deny their existence then we're far more likely to entertain their suggestions. So which would they want? Demons know Jesus and readily recognize Him but reject His ways its all about doing their own thing for as long as they can. They are truly self aware, and have plenty of self esteem.

This week is on worry. When we lay awake at night considering all possible outcomes of a situation and try to steer situations into a certain outcome have we forgotten our Lord? If we realize He is always with us and its the journey through life with Him that is most important, not any particular accomplishment, circumstance, etc. The only accomplishment worth while is knowing Him. The only circumstance that matters is realizing He is with us at all times. We often have to get our minds off of self, stop actively trying controlling circumstances and people and worry can go away.

What about the big project tomorrow or how will class go? If we will acknowledge Him ask for His guidance and trust He is as faithful as He promises we don't have to lay awake at night.

We worry about what we try to control, the truth is we can't control anything, and if we really could we'd mess it up, and yet over and over its a trap we fall into to, where are we getting these ideas? "Did God really say....." voices? Then act on it through our fallen nature.

We worry or contemplate things we're not sure of the outcome of. We can hope for certain outcomes but we should be praying to Him for them and receiving the even better assurance that regardless of the outcome He is with us all.

Worry does not fit into a walk with Christ? Enoch walked with the Lord and the Lord took him. What earthly accomplishment was Enoch worried about? What earthly event did Enoch long to see. To walk with the Lord specific earthly outcomes, accomplishments, etc. can't be in our minds. Rather being in His presence, living in His presence is our desire. And Enoch achieved that. When we truly walk with Him does it matter whether we're here or in heaven? Its self awareness and self esteem to think we have to here for others rather than heaven, we're saying the Lord can't or won't be there for others, our loved ones. Yet He is there for them just as He is for us. None of us have relationship with the Lord "cornered", its available to all, and in order to have a fulfilled and full life we must seek that relationship.

None of us have it together, we may appear to but under the surface (what we show to others) we're a mess. Lots of voices suggest things and hopefully the Holy Spirit as well. So to let envy of others creep into our thinking is an error, focus rather on walking with the Lord. Fully.

He is so ready. Worried about something? Walk with the Lord pray for His wisdom and outcome and ask for His guidance, and trust He knows best.

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