Friday, June 10, 2016

message for 6-12-16


Ecclesiastes 3: 16-22

What happens when we reach our ambitions? If we do that is. Those that reach them will either become humble and know it wasn't based on their effort or become a tyrant, and make themselves out to be God. Others of us never realize our ambitions. Most of us will die not having the satisfaction of fulfilling several ambitions. Ambitions and their fulfillment don't make us, but rather our day to day relationship with the Lord. What ambitions do you have that will likely not be fulfilled?

If we don't get our ambitions filled - we can be sad and seek justice, feel there is no fairness in the world, getting into a mire of self pity. If we look for justice from man we will not see it. What we need to be focused on is that there no injustice due to our actions, and as we relate daily to Christ and His ways following there won't be. Are you in self pity over failed ambitions?

Jesus failed from a worldly standpoint (abandoned and killed), but yet had joy. This joy came from relationship to the Father and accomplishing exactly what the Father sent Him to do. That is where joy is, any other seeming paths to joy end in heartache. Where is your relationship to Christ?

God shall judge us, we often have sense of God as a mystical figure that doesn't know "how it is", but He does know "how it is". He came in the flesh with our limitations, and lived Holy and blameless. Do we compare ourselves to Him as the standard or other people. As we compare ourselves to Him and His standard our shortcomings are obvious, a means for growth. Yet when He judges we'll know its fair, its right and we will be in agreement. As we abide in Him agreement will happen and is part of it. Abide in Him. Are you abiding? Are you in agreement?

We'll all die unless Jesus acts. Our younger years we don't feel the certainty of mortality, but it creeps into as we age. We all were dust at one time and will be dust again. We can't will that it won't happen, we can only be thankful to the Father for creating us and that we had any existence at all. We thank Him also for the opportunity of relationship to Him. Often that comes through relationship with others. Others influence us, the best influence is from viewing others seeking a closer personal relationship to Him, rather than their conscious effort to help. Who have been your best influencers? Were they doing it consciously?

Birth year (1964 ) - death year (????). Will you be remembered for your accomplishments? your great amassing of wealth or things? Let it be that you loved the Lord had a close growing relationship to Him, that everyone saw that knew you. In a close relationship to the Lord we actually lose the care of what the memories of us will be, we'd rather each and everyone had a relationship to Him instead. What will your legacy be? Is legacy important to you?

Our fallen nature tries to lead us to ignore His ways. For us personally we have our "reasons" why we don't have to be like Jesus but at the same time there is no excuse for another not to be like Him so we preach fervently to them. Yet it starts with us, where are you in that relationship? Have you crucified self yet?

New heaven and new earth realized and filled by those who base their life on God and His Son Jesus. Walking in relationship with no care for self. Many today reject God as a concept, and as a consequence the possibility of relationship to Him. Others are growing and walking faithfully with Him, not caring of the growing ridicule they are subject to. Rejecting self, and being true to the source of joy they have found tried and true The joy that comes from abiding in the Father, and doing His will. Where are you with the Lord, where will you be tomorrow?

1st Corinthians 13

Do you love? When you say you love someone do you mean the following:

you're willing to suffer long for that person (patient)? and remain kind?

you're not envious - going to try controlling them, putting them in bondage?

you're not boastful, prideful, self seeking- you realize you don't have all answers, but rather you put others first

you're not easily angered- anger should only come when things of God are made light of, never from personal attacks against you, we are all wretches after all.

you don't keep records of wrongs, (memory is a record), but rather always hopes for the best.

you always trust, even those who may have hurt you.

you always want and hope the best for everyone, and rejoices in truth.

you've kept all the above for everyone you've ever said you love.

Fallen short yet of your love proclamations?

Do you love self more than others? Often we're less likely to keep memories of our own sins than those of others. Pray - Father we have not loved You or others as we should.

We can't truly love anyone without relationship to Christ, and letting Him love through us. He truly loves us all even those who deny His existence, He truly longs to have a close growing relationship with us all.

Out of a close growing relationship to Him

reject self.

reject self.

reject self.

abide in Him

grow closer to Him daily.

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