Sunday, September 7, 2014

God is the only one trustworthy enough for your deepest personal feelings, and He wants that kind of relationship with you.  As you develop relationship to Him you come to realize that anything not perfect about your relationship to Him is never His fault but rather yours.  So you cling to Him and grow, and change into His image.  You feel his indwelling Spirit because your old fallen one still tries to prod you away from Him.  Even as you listen to the fallen voice and not His Spirit, you intercede for those trapped in bondage apart from the Lord.  You realize He awaits for them to only call to Him and turn away.  Things of this life begin to pale as you look from enjoying the creation your Creator made for you to enjoy to enjoying your Creator.  You see Him everywhere and you long to be nearer to Him than you are presently.  Marvelous natural wonders cause you to speak to the Architect of them, from the small simple leaf or delicate flower petal to the magnificent thunder cloud, miles across and miles high. 

I'm at the threshold of being His totally, and desiring to be with Him constantly, singing the unending Hymn.  Nothing of me is of any value except that I submit to Him and I know it.  It is a threshold I can't cross based on my own will, but must wait for Him to carry me across it.
