Thursday, August 14, 2014

How is your relationship to the Lord?

We tend to want to compartmentalize our lives, we only have so much time for people, or this activity.  We want to be secular sometimes and Holy at others.  Yet the Lord wants us to be in relationship with Him at all times- there are no lines of distinction or spheres, for us to cling to them is to set ourselves up as lord of our lives rather than the Lord our creator.

Furthermore the Lord teaches us His children through action, not just study.  We often have to live a circumstance in order to drive it home.  The only thing one learns from youtube is possibly how to work a computer better, although much can be seen on youtube.

The Lord wants us to realize His ever presence in our day to day at our vocation, the one we have now and not the great one we dream of Him using us in.  The circumstances of our lives train us in accordance to His will for His purposes.

Further more He gifts us for His purposes, natural talent can be a path away from God when our focus is on the talent and what we see the limits and opportunities as being.  God will equip us for His work.  To sense His leading then not obey because we feel we have not the necessary gift is often done by those who forget that with God all things are possible.

We get caught up in things, rather than relationship to Him.  If He let all our things be taken as He did with His servant Job, would we still serve Him?

Do we seek to know His purpose for our lives or do we do we seek to know Him in all things?  

Are we too focused on self rather than Him?  Are we caught up in the injustices against us (sinners -deserving death) that we need reminding that He wants fellowship with all?

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