Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stem Cell thoughts

There was an interesting story on the news tonight, supposedly we may be capable of generating some kind of stem cells from our own body. I think its neat God has led scientists to this discovery. I also wonder if this technique would have been found if use of embryonic stem cells hadn't been opposed. We'll never know.

Christians being right, and God's ways being best just aren't seen as being politically correct in this day and age. I marvel at the way God set things up, and am regularly amazed at the faith it takes to deny Him. More it seems than the faith to accept Him.

Come quickly Lord, the world needs Your touch.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Absence or denial of God

All our troubles come about because of a lack of focus on God. I made that statement several years ago, and the more I live the more I see the truth of it. We need Him in our lives. I just read the passage about Zedekiah in Jeremiah. He was king, the city was surrounded and he met secretly to ask if Jeremiah had a message from God for him. Jeremiah did- surrender the city, Zedekiah would be protected and honored, and live out his life. Don't surrender the city, it would be burned, he would be killed and unburied, his family would be destroyed.

Looking at it from our side of scripture, the choice seems clear. Most of us would even boast that we would have done what God asked. Are you sure? Have you ever remembered a time when you felt God leading, and yet you didn't act? Maybe you listened to the dirty joke, maybe you continued the spread of what you realized was gossip. Why did you do those things? Were you afraid of what someone might think or do if you didn't "go along". Isn't that what Zedekiah did? He let his fear of man trump what God asked him to do, and we today in a lot of ways do just the same thing.

I see two reasons, our understanding of God is limited. Zedekiah believed God could not protect him from men. I see myself "called on the carpet" if I share my faith too much in class, and a student decides that he/she could use that to their advantage. I see the scene clearly. If God wants me to share to a lost and dying world, He probably will protect me, but I entertain doubt- like Zedekiah. Doubt leads to actions- a very true statement.

Health care has been in the news, and this is the example I've been thinking of that has brought me back to my original statement. We as a people have lost our focus on God. It is a tragedy that people suffer for lack of health care. It is even a greater tragedy that a lack of the knowledge of God is what is fueling this. People generally have denied God, or turned from Him leading them to the conclusion that this life is all there is. If that is so then "I" need to live as long as "I" can. Therefore "I" need health care. ("I" is there to emphasize a selfish voice).

Along another fork there is the mentality that since this life is it, I need to be rich. If "I" can sue a doctor for malpractice, then I'm set for life. Doctors are human, humans make mistakes, allowing for other humans to come along and take advantage of this. Do you know of any lawyers in Congress that have made part of their fortunes seeking damages to "injustices"? Isn't it interesting that their fee is based on settlement amount? Some doctors are careless, others make decisions that ultimately are incorrect. How this ties into health care costs is that those doctors are going to order every test possible in order to limit the possibility they are incorrect. These tests costs, which isn't a problem because if you have insurance they will "cover it".

Another fallacy "its covered". In order for insurance to work as designed more people have to pay in more than they will ever get back in claims. Also part of what is paid in goes to the salaries and overhead of the insurance companies. So paying for health care through insurance is more expensive than out of pocket as the need arises. Couple that with the prices of procedures and it becomes a runaway freight train.

"Government health care will let your doctor decide what is best for you"- this sounds wonderful, but what aren't they telling you? At some point your doctor may say its best for you to die, because its too expensive to treat you. To truly control costs procedures will be limited that someone decides would gain the most benefit.

I'm out in the weeds, if your focus is on God, and you have a relationship with Him, then you aren't self focused. You know there is life beyond this one, and you long for it. So why want to live as long as you can here? You realize doctors are human, and sometimes they make mistakes, and you aren't looking to be set for life (you and your children), so you wouldn't be looking to litigate. If you are a Christian doctor and you realize your mistake (or that someone is suffering) you are going to do your part to rectify that mistake in this lifetime. Litigation goes away from both sides. Malpractice insurance (with their premiums goes away)- health care costs are reduced. Lawyers have to get real jobs. Side note - lawyers should read through the Bible yearly- actually everyone should. See how the lack of focus on God has got us to where we are at? Both forks end at the Cross.

We need to be less like Zedekiah. I was going to say - "and more like the Apostle Paul", but he penned the lines about doing things he didn't want to, and not doing the things he should. He too was closer to the human condition than we sometimes want to acknowledge. The human condition of selfishness and this life focused- as opposed to God focused.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two recent thought streams

Two things have been on my mind lately, and instead of continuing to mull them over, I thought I would share.

The first is the sanctuary temperature, but it could apply to your house, your business, your car. It is remarkable to observe people in the context of whether they feel they are too hot or too cold. Have you ever met anyone that was "just right" temperature wise. I regularly hear turn up the air (or down- the point being change the set point), because "I" am "burning up" or "I" am "cold". I feel the thermostat is set properly when I hear an equal number of requests for adjustment in opposite directions.

I've been told I over analyze so maybe I'm guilty. I'm starting to be more aware of the word "I". I am this, I want this, I think this. Can we really ever please "I"? Lets take the temperature and consider this. Instead of focusing on your own discomfort, consider this:
The temperature or environment could in some way clearly be worse- really hot, really cold, humid, in the sun, etc. So be thankful for the fact that it isn't.
The other thing is consider someone other than "I", are you willing to be a little hot if it means another person won't feel as cold? Or are you willing to be a little cold if it will make someone less hot.

This temperature discussion may seem silly but it is a pretty good indicator of how self focused a group of people tend to be. God in his wisdom even in families put this indicator. Are you willing to experience slight (compared to what it could be it is slight) discomfort in order that your brother or sister (wife, husband, child) will feel more comfortable.


Now for the other thought. I was reading in Jeremiah about Hannaniah the "prophet" who is as it turned out to be a false prophet that God let die. "False prophets" ordinarily ignored, considered in my mind to be people who "just don't know God", but then I wondered if I was one, and thought about the road that leads to that point.

A prophet is generally one that has messages from God for the people. That Hannaniah was called one to me indicates a history of some kind that he was recognized as hearing from God. Most of us don't get a label unless we have performed, or others have witnessed some evidence that supports the label. So someone recognized him as hearing from God - or at least there seemed to be evidence of it.

Well he then prophesizes good news - the Babylonian threat will be gone within two years and the temple restored, and treasures taken returned. In actual fact the temple was restored, and the treasures sent back. The only mis-information he proclaimed was the time frame. Instead of two years, it was actually after two generations of the king. So his prophecy wasn't as far off as you initially think, he got a word wrong. It was clearly false though.

Why did he say it, and he clearly said it with a passion. I wonder if he saw the truth (that the people would suffer and the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed) and talked himself into something other than what God had planned. All of us humans want to avoid suffering (then and today), I have heard recently of a statement that the rapture isn't clearly taught. Could it be that it won't happen, that I might have to endure the tribulation period -if that happens in my life time. Am "I" looking for the easy way out. Was Hannaniah so longing that Jerusalem would not be destroyed that he convinced himself of his position -even though it wasn't of God?

Of course the other side of the rapture coin is that - not expecting it, we don't have to prepare for Jesus' return. We don't have to live "ready", we don't have to be in a hurry to witness. That position also avoids human hardship or stress.

Back to Hannaniah, God let him die because he misled people. Was he misled by satan, similarly to the way Eve was in the garden? Satan confused Eve (and Adam) to the point where she acted on it resulting in her death.

OK I've over-analyzed enough. It is neat all the parallels in the Bible. The question remains - how do we not be misled. The people in Hannaniah's day listened to him, a part of them liked what they heard, so it became easier for them to believe him and agree with him. In our walks we also can be misled by people we think have God's message, that is a clear indicator of the need for us to seek God and personally learn to listen to Him on an individual level. Anything other than what we get ourselves from God could be misleading us.

Books written by Christian authors can be dangerous in this regard- read them yes, but ask God to confirm or deny for you - He will - He seeks relationship. I think the initial resistance to "anything but King James" is also a result of this (interesting that this came up last night), the reality that people can easily be misled by the works of man would naturally bring about resistance to a new version or versions of God's word. While it is possible for a Bible version or parts to be corrupted (unintentionally or intentionally) it is also possible that God actively protects His word.

He has definitely brought things to my mind when reading and contemplating His word. In many different versions too. The advice I heard once of "the best Bible version is the one YOU will read" is still true. God will speak to those who seek Him, He desires to.