Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ch 32 the millenial reign of Messiah

A king will reign righteously, and princes will rule justly. It will be like a refuge (relief from the crisis). Currently people are blinded by deception, rushed into making decisions, talk to talk- wear people down. It will be like that no more. A fool will be not be considered noble- people's motives will be apparent. It will be very clear what motivates others and whether they truly are considering your best interests or theirs. Actually it is in everyone's best interest to be supportive rather than competitive.

Examples of current foolishness, speaking in error of the Lord, controlling people or trying to by keeping them hungry or thirsty, slandering each other (gossip).

Rather there will be noble plans, support, win win's

The day is coming- just before the millenial reign that will affect everyone first. The complacent or comfortable or rich will be affected. The harvest won't come in. Currently people are losing jobs, and they are being artificially supported, what happens when that ends? The prosperity will be over- thorns and briars. Cities abandoned - it will happen if hunger gets bad enough. It will eventually be about subsistence- growing enough food or taking it. Cling to God is the ONLY answer. Until the Spirit is poured out. Then justice and righteousness, and peace. People living in peaceful habitation and secure dwellings, and undisturbed resting places. The city will be laid low, blessed (a blessing- on some during this time) is he who sows besides waters, and let the ox and donkey run free ( not muzzled). God's plan involves sowing, not hoarding.

Ch 33 Just before battle

Assyria plundering the countryside of Judah, Isaiah confidently predicting their eventual overthrow and did for years. Assyria is the destroyer. That dealt treacherously with others (broke promises made but expected others to keep the ones made to them).

A cry to the Lord to be gracious to the remnant that honors Him (and He will be) vs 2-6 those that believe in the Lord will have strength, salvation (wealth of new souls?) , protection, spoils, justice, righteousness, stability, wisdom and knowledge of God. Fear of Lord is a treasure. He will give you what is necessary if you trust Him.

Now in contrast those that don't cry out to the Lord - weakness, sorrow, desertedness, ( Assyria made a treaty promising peace then broke it - sound familiar. That why treacherousness is stated), no regard for man (people are a commodity, dehumanized- easier to treat less than human), mourning withering and desert.

Now God will act, when men realize their answers, their schemes, their plans have no substance. They look good they sound good but they are chaff. Only fit for burning. The far away will hear, the near will see.

For the godless- who can endure? But for those that:
live God's way, speak truth, despise exploitation (don't take advantage of others), refuse bribes, reject violence, avoids evil amusements- this person will dwell in security and be provided for.

The King is visible, the threat removed, but meditation on terror that never comes. Our worst fears are seldom realized, and I think this is a special case where we will become so certain of bad things and terror. In looking at the Lord the threat will be gone. Keep our eyes on Jesus. Jerusalem (the alter) undisturbed. The place the Lord will be for us as judge, lawgiver and king, spoil will be much. This is likely a reference to Russia and Iran invasion

Ch 34 God's wrath

Edom (Edomites from Esau) once fertile, is now one of the most desolate places on earth a physical example of how God can change things (similar to ch 24). The last days of the trib period before Millenia.

The Lord is indignant against all nations and he will give their armies over to destruction.
the sky rolled up , Lord's sword will descend in judgement upon the people He has devoted to destruction. destruction and fire- smoke will go up forever (sounds like the lake of fire).

vs 16 all prophecy will be fulfilled in the day a person sees what was stated.

Ch 35 The day of the Church triumphant

Jesus' millenial reign, joy and rejoicing, the glory of the Lord will be visible, He will encourage the exhausted and strengthen the feeble. He will save. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will leap, the mute will speak. This is a continuation of what Jesus started while He was here the first time. The land will become fertile. A highway will be established - probably not literal- maybe it is - part of a journey from where we are at to where God wants us to be. There will be safety on that road. The redeemed will walk there coming with everlasting joy to Zion. It may be the road we will walk from heaven back to earth returning for the millenia.

Isaiah over half over - not so pleasant part- man refusing to submit to God but rather go his own way. God dealing with us in His time and in His way- what is truly best for us. Later will be the more pleasant parts. This life is the first "unpleasant part" unpleasantness due to us and our desires rather than God's plan. Later pleasant- submitted.

Ch 36 History- the overthrow of the Assyrian army

Recorded three times in the Bible II Kings 18 and 19, II Chronicles 32, and in Isaiah. The first 30 some chapters of Isaiah had God's repeated warnings against not following Him, a pleading and a waiting for people to turn to Him, and glimpses of the trib period and the millenial reign of Christ. He longed for a turning to Him, waited for it, and refused to let us completely have our own way.

II Kings Hezekiah - rid Judah of idols, there were none like Him before or after. He clung to the Lord- the Lord spared him from seeing destruction. He rebelled against the king of Assyria, the king of Assyria came up to him and Hezekiah paid him tribute. According to the notes Hezekiah quit paying tribute when Sargon was succeeded by his son Sennacherib. Sennacherib attacked, Hezekiah said he had erred and sent the tribute, but Sennacherib attacked anyway (hence the reference to treachery in chapter 33).
Ch 32 the millenial reign of Messiah

A king will reign righteously, and princes will rule justly. It will be like a refuge (relief from the crisis). Currently people are blinded by deception, rushed into making decisions, talk to talk- wear people down. It will be like that no more. A fool will be not be considered noble- people's motives will be apparent. It will be very clear what motivates others and whether they truly are considering your best interests or theirs. Actually it is in everyone's best interest to be supportive rather than competitive.

Examples of current foolishness, speaking in error of the Lord, controlling people or trying to by keeping them hungry or thirsty, slandering each other (gossip).

Rather there will be noble plans, support, win win's

The day is coming- just before the millenial reign that will affect everyone first. The complacent or comfortable or rich will be affected. The harvest won't come in. Currently people are losing jobs, and they are being artificially supported, what happens when that ends? The prosperity will be over- thorns and briars. Cities abandoned - it will happen if hunger gets bad enough. It will eventually be about subsistence- growing enough food or taking it. Cling to God is the ONLY answer. Until the Spirit is poured out. Then justice and righteousness, and peace. People living in peaceful habitation and secure dwellings, and undisturbed resting places. The city will be laid low, blessed (a blessing- on some during this time) is he who sows besides waters, and let the ox and donkey run free ( not muzzled)

Ch 33 Just before battle

Assyria plundering the countryside of Judah, Isaiah confidently predicting their eventual overthrow and did for years. Assyria is the destroyer. That dealt treacherously with others (broke promises made but expected others to keep the ones made to them).

A cry to the Lord to be gracious to the remnant that honors Him (and He will be) vs 2-6 those that believe in the Lord will have strength, salvation (wealth of new souls?) , protection, spoils, justice, righteousness, stability, wisdom and knowledge of God. Fear of Lord is a treasure. He will give you what is necessary if you trust Him.

Now in contrast those that don't cry out to the Lord - weakness, sorrow, desertedness, ( Assyria made a treaty promising peace then broke it - sound familiar. That why treacherousness is stated), no regard for man (people are a commodity, dehumanized- easier to treat less than human), mourning withering and desert.

Now God will act, when men realize their answers, their schemes, their plans have no substance. They look good they sound good but they are chaff. Only fit for burning. The far away will hear, the near will see.

For the godless- who can endure? But for those that:
live God's way, speak truth, despise exploitation (don't take advantage of others), refuse bribes, reject violence, avoids evil amusements- this person will dwell in security and be provided for.

The King is visible, the threat removed, but meditation on terror that never comes. Our worst fears are seldom realized, and I think this is a special case where we will become so certain of bad things and terror. In looking at the Lord the threat will be gone. Keep our eyes on Jesus. Jerusalem (the alter) undisturbed. The place the Lord will be for us as judge, lawgiver and king, spoil will be much. This is likely a reference to Russia and Iran invasion

Ch 34 God's wrath

Edom (Edomites from Esau) once fertile, is now one of the most desolate places on earth a physical example of how God can change things (similar to ch 24). The last days of the trib period before Millenia.

The Lord is indignant against all nations and he will give their armies over to destruction.
the sky rolled up , Lord's sword will descend in judgement upon the people He has devoted to destruction. destruction and fire- smoke will go up forever (sounds like the lake of fire).

vs 16 all prophecy will be fulfilled in the day a person sees what was stated.

Ch 35 The day of the Church triumphant

Jesus' millenial reign, joy and rejoicing, the glory of the Lord will be visible, He will encourage the exhausted and strengthen the feeble. He will save. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will leap, the mute will speak. This is a continuation of what Jesus started while He was here the first time. The land will become fertile. A highway will be established - probably not literal- maybe it is - part of a journey from where we are at to where God wants us to be. There will be safety on that road. The redeemed will walk there coming with everlasting joy to Zion. It may be the road we will walk from heaven back to earth returning for the millenia.

Isaiah over half over - not so pleasant part- man refusing to submit to God but rather go his own way. God dealing with us in His time and in His way- what is truly best for us. Later will be the more pleasant parts. This life is the first "unpleasant part" unpleasantness due to us and our desires rather than God's plan. Later pleasant- submitted.

Ch 36 History- the overthrow of the Assyrian army

Recorded three times in the Bible II Kings 18 and 19, II Chronicles 32, and in Isaiah. The first 30 some chapters of Isaiah had God's repeated warnings against not following Him, a pleading and a waiting for people to turn to Him, and glimpses of the trib period and the millenial reign of Christ. He longed for a turning to Him, waited for it, and refused to let us completely have our own way.

II Kings Hezekiah - rid Judah of idols, there were none like Him before or after. He clung to the Lord- the Lord spared him from seei
Large army sent Rabshekah - important leader with large overwhelming army. Hezekiah had made an alliance with Egypt but it was not going to be of any use (man's answer). God's answer? rely on Him? they misunderstood God and interpreted wrongly that some of Hezekiah's actions insulted God rather that were pleasing to Him. Ever jumped to a wrong conclusion based on another's actions?

Then taunting- pointing out weakness - few men. The worthless reliance on Egypt. Then said he had heard from God- He was sent by God to destroy Jerusalem- ever taken another's word they heard from God without checking it out on your own? Spoke in a language to try and demoralize people.

Shebna was over household replaced by Eliakim but still allowed to be there to see it (God's grace) - this was predicted way back in Ch 22. Isaiahs words proved true in this case, didn't he also say Assyrians wouldn't take the city?

Seige effects the unpleasantness of, then the King of Assyria's plea - a better option - thus he says - like he is god. He then reduced God to the same ranking as all the gods people knew about, and recounted their victories. The three were silent per Hezekiah's request.

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