Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Notes from Dec. 3, 2008 Isaiah Bible study

Kedar - Black and swarthy, a son of Ishmael, and the name of a nomadic arabian tribe. and one of their settlements. Ishmael- man's solution to Abraham having descendants. Gen 25:13

Chapter 22
The valley of vision- Jerusalem- a city on a hill with higher hills in the distance. Back to the Assyrian threat - Judah is fully surrounded. Isaiah had warned them for years at this point that they needed to turn to God and rely on Him rather than other people or their own "self sufficiency". They had exlpored alliances, they had fortified their wall, and stored up water, and yet the valley before Jerusalem was full of Assryian Chariots. Now Isaiah sees that God is going to allow Jerusalem to be taken- he sees the day of destruction, he cries.

Isaiah really had a heart for his people and it grieved him terribly that he knew they would suffer (God set a day(s) for it) the very thing he had so earnestly desire that they avoid. He sees the city falling the kings trying to escape at the last minute (Babylon). They would ultimately never relied on God, they never seek relationship with Him, they never included Him in their plans- or better yet asked Him what their plans should be.

So with a surrounded city and still time to turn to God (He was seeking their repentance and honoring of Him) what did they do? Instead of repenting and turning to God they decided to eat drink and be merry- they gave up. They felt they had struggled so long that they just gave up. Have we battled health or finances or work or church issues to the point where we give/gave up- didn't care- left, become reckless? I'm sure we all can think of times we wanted to. Did we turn to God- did we listen to His guidance? Or did we do what we thought was best?

Shebna was in charge of the royal household and as a leader was setting a poor example- the Lord said he would be replaced by Eliakim- who was initially a man that follows God (has relationship). Riches and stature are of no value before God but rather relationship. His very job or position was a gift from God that God was about to take away. God would then give it to someone else (Eliakim) he would become the father of Jerusalem- the example. God would be with him opening doors nobody can shut and shutting doors nobody can open.

But Eliakim the "firm peg" would eventually be broken and fall. Isaiah saw Jerusalem being overrun, it was going to happen - but not by the Assyrian army (Angel of the Lord smites them) - now surrounding the city. In the desparate times they were experiencing God would deliver them for the time being, they would turn to Him for a while. Ultimately they would not stay with Him, and He would not protect them from the Babylonians.

Chapter 23
An oracle concerning Tyre - a trading nation that was punished by God for its pride. It took Egyptian grain to other countries around the mediterranean - this would hurt Egypt's economy. They colonized many lands.

The Lord planned it due to their pride. They were honored by others in the world, and had pride in what they could accomplish. They acted like royalty. Sidon is part of it, and even if they flee to Cyprus - they would find no rest- running from God's will is pointless. Jonah tried to hide in Tarshish and its mentioned here.

Tyre would be destroyed 70 years, then be allowed to play the harlot again. Her gain and harlot's wages will be set apart to the Lord, her gain will become sufficient food and choice attire for those that dwell in the presence of the Lord. No comment mentioned. Millenium? Prov 23:4, Prov 28:8. I can't help but draw a parallel between Tyre and Sidon and the US. Lots of national pride- respected around the world (even after 8 years of Bush) the world watched very closely our election. There is a lot of national pride as to what the American people can do. Its uncanny that in Isaiah the chapter before apocalypse - it talks about a nation that really influenced the world of that day.

Chapter 24-27 are the apocalyptic chapters of Isaiah. The last days and God's judgement on sin.

Chapter 24 (World convulsions)
The Lord will lay the earth waste, devestate it and distort its surface. This will scatter the inhabitants. Prior to millenium?
First thing mentioned- hasn't happened yet. I think we're on our way to waste, devestation and distortion of the surface-how would that look- the big one in CA. Nuclear weapons used in the middle east?

The people will be like the priest- the different will become the same
the servant like his master
the maid like her mistress
buyer like the seller
lender like the borrower - bank bail out
creditor like debtor -bank bail out (world wide)

Convulsions are pre-millenium - earthquakes and changing the way it rotates, etc. New heaven and earth created- post millenium. So prior to reign of Christ on earth there will be dramatic changes, but the new heaven and earth will be after His earthly reign?

Exalted people fade (wither) away- haughty people - those who think they have all the answers, earth polluted by inhabitants (people)
Earth burned - few men left, tribulation - sighs, revelers stop- eventually things get very serious for the inhabitants of earth. Joy turns to gloom and gaiety banished.

Just before? A turning to the Lord- a worldwide revival vs 14-16 it could be those left after the tribulation. Then treacherousness- treacherous is traitor or a changing of sides, seemingly one way but really another- true feelings come out. Then terror, pit, and snare earth inhabitants. Fleeing from one trouble will lead directly to another- too much to take in.

Windows open above, earth shakes below- an open window is an entry point to heavenlies, or reject His call and stay on the shaking earth.

Confinement or imprisonment of evil- both from heaven and earth (during millenium) then punishment (after millenium)

Moon abashed- David Jeremiah allah is the moon god, abashed means humbled. Islamics are zealous for their god, but he isn't the Most High God- Their god isn't big enough, he needs help.
sun is ashamed - another religion? not sure. term "Most High God" used in poly theistic context Beth Moore heard 12/3/2008 WMIT. Moon abashed- turned to blood according to Joel, Sun darkened so also a literal event.

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