Friday, November 7, 2008

Notes gone over Nov 5, 2008 in Isaiah Bible study

Chapter 12

I will give thanks to the Lord, for although You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away and You comfort me. If we have a concept of God that is nearly correct and we think He is mad at us - wouldn't we fear Him. Aren't kids afraid sometimes of their parents because they realize they have been disobedient- so they fear. Yet God like parents still want the best for His children. He is our salvation (Jesus being part of God), we come to trust and not be afraid - initial fear becomes trust- Trust comes from realizing God is true to His Word. We have to learn that God has our best interests at heart (which is often not what we want). I can tell students something, and they can repeat it, maybe memorize it, but only with experience (seeing that I wasn't trying to deceive them) does it become real. I can give assignments, but only in time do they realize the importance of those assignments. Once we realize He has our best interest at heart we will recognize God's actions in our lives (often looking back)- we can see them. We can (but do we) tell others so that they learn to look- or remind them so they consider His working in their lives. We are called to -"make" them remember how we exalt God -it takes continual effort. Its a natural outpouring of our filling ourselves with Him.

Chapter 13

Prophecies against other countries. Isaiah was given prophecies concerning countries that had not even risen to power yet, in tremendous detail, and about the fates of the surrounding nations (10 chapters worth). He will show us things if we are obedient and seek Him.

Isaiah wrote this 100 years before the rise of the Babylonian empire. Assyria was the dominant power at the time of the writing, and Isaiah foresaw the decline of Assyria, and the rise and fall of Babylon. Babylon only in power 70 years- interestingly. Yet the detail that God gave Isaiah is just as if he was there. Detail detail detail. He named the Medes as the destroyers of Babylon, and yet in his day the Medes were barely known. Babylon overthrown meant the exile of the Jews was ended.

v3- we're instruments (v5) in His hands. If we follow Him He uses us, if we don't He will use our nature as well to accomplish His purposes.

v8 judgement day- fear- will it turn to trust- will there be a great conversion - for those willing to repent?

v9 exterminate sinners, punish world for its evil, and wicked for iniquity, end the arrogance of the proud, abase the haughtiness (scornfully and condescendingly proud - the Pharisee's prayer I thank you God that I am not a sinner like that man) of the ruthless (cold and uncaring about others) - His desire is that all will come to know Him- we need to have that desire as well.
-mortal man will become scarcer than gold- we are so full of these things - without Christ.

Rise of Babylon, the judgement day (day of the Lord), then back to the actual taking of Judah by the Babylonians, finally the fall of Babylon. It will be deserted- not inhabited. One day God will make such that sin will never be a place we can go again- just like we could never live in Sodom and Gomorrah. He kicked man out of the garden and guarded its gates- only through Him can we come back into it.

Chapter 14

After describing the destruction of Israel and Judah, Isaiah talks of a time when the Lord will have compassion on the jews again and listen to them and restore them to their land. They will be in control to the point that strangers with them will be subject to their decisions. This happened after the fall of Babylon, it happened in 1948. Israel will taunt Babylon (a destroyed nation, but also a symbol of future times). They will acknowledge it was the Lord that delivered them. For a nation to do that they will have to see an overwhelming force coming against them- personnally. Others will join the Israelites- their influence will be a blessing God will bless the world through them.

Babylon because of their nature was an instrument of God to punish the Jews for their disobedience and pride. They only had power to do that as God gave it to them, and the power only lasted as long as God intended it to.

In doing the Lord's work in that fashion Babylon became proud. Nebuchadnezzar- lost his mind for 7 years as a result of his great pride and in claiming what God has done as his own. Actually he was "given the mind of a beast". The tribulation period is 7 yrs long, and will come about when the world feels it no longer needs God. Another unifying world leader will arise - and be given the mind of a beast due to his pride. Nebuchadnezzar was a man full of pride at "his" accomplishments- that were really gifts from the Lord. Nebuchadnezzar lost his kingdom for the seven years he had the mind of a beast- anti-christ will rule his kingdom while having the mind of a beast.

v13-21- description of pride- statements of satan- the most proud, and the result of pride. Do we think we have all the answers, are we following God's way or ours? What is our pride level?

We live in a world convinced we are so smart, and that we can handle anything that comes up. We have our technology - which is a gift from God, we have our doctors and other learned people we expect to be able to solve our problems- gained knowledge is a gift from God but seldom acknowledged. Few if any of leaders even acknowledge the importance of God in their lives - out of political correctness or the prideful attitude of self sufficiency - I don't know which. All we need is a charismatic leader (interestingly the "world" is watching our presidential election, and one of our candidates is very popular worldwide), and a severe problem he will seem to successfully deal with.

Getting back on topic- the Jews very existence are a taunt to pride and this mindset that we are self sufficient. We separate church and state to the point that state has become a religion of denying God- not what was intended.

Separation of church and state is only about not mandating religious views- its an individual and personal choice. Blue laws may give the impression of Godliness, but does it change hearts? It doesn't mean our leaders can't be openly confessing Christians who acknowledge God and seek His guidance. When was the last time we had one that really did that?

Christians are persecuted for their beliefs. For thousands of years Jews have been recognized as God's chosen people, so to be able to deny God and do our own thing that race presents a problem. Acknowledging them acknowledges God -our creator. It goes hand in hand that those who want to deny God will hate Israel and deny their heritage and "chosen" status. To take over and deny God ultimately will mean that nation must be annihilated- the anti-christ will try.

End of chapter 14, Babylon will be judged, Assyria will be broken - which actually happens first. Philistia will be judged. Verse thirty is of interest - the most helpless will eat, needy will lie down in security. Those that know their true condition before God as His people. Blessed by God, but living a very fragile existence, and not having all the answers.

Chapter 15

Chapter 14 talked about Israel being God's chosen people - as a race. God however judges everyone individually. He categorizes them by race but He takes people as individuals. It is easy to fall into the trap of:
all Israelis will be saved (taking them as a race and not individuals). God in fact sent His wrath and judgement against Israel when the pride of the collective people reached a certain level. He however protected those individuals who had a right relationship.
When God acts against the sin of a collective group of people, He protects those that acknowledge Him. The example of Sodom and Gommorrah and not destroying the entire city if only a few righteous remain is an emphasis of that fact. He sent judgement on Sodom and Gommorah but evacuated those in right relationship first.
A truly repentant God fearing person has actions and not just words or lip service of their condition.

Is it right to categorize what people commonly profess- like being Muslim, Bhuddist, Hindu, etc? Some religions believe those that don't believe as they do should be killed "infidels", but we as Christians realize that God has given breath to those people, and numbered their days- just like us. He doesn't need help if He wanted them dead, so we should pray for them and live out our faith by our words and deeds.

Chapter 15 is about Moab. Lot's daughters had children by their own father and Moab was the offspring of the older daughter. Its beautiful that Ruth who wound up in the lineage of Jesus was a Moabite or a descendant of Moab. Ruth was great grandmother of king David. Again God looks at individuals, even though at times it seems He has decreed the destruction of a race. I would say He knows better than all those who would second guess Him what the heart condition was of those people.

Moab it is prophesized will be destroyed. They had invaded Israel in earlier times, and fought against king Saul and king David.

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