Monday, July 21, 2008

I am heart broken. Some people would say I am depressed and in reading the Bible you might think "depression" is a natural state. I think it certainly is something used by God.

I forgot which great preacher in history talked about depression as a precursor to the moving of God. There was one.

How can anyone not be depressed, I see so many people "spinning their wheels", "pushing a chain" - working diligently at going nowhere. There are so many examples of hunger in this world, injustices against one human by another, and yet a general acceptance of that as normal. Its not normal, it is the result of sin in our lives as humans. Selfishness, wanting our way, promoting our agenda.

We can't legislate it, we can't make people do it, they have to decide to put others first, then we can solve problems. I see the answers to the problems as a need for more gospel, but that notion is rejected out of hand as not being for me, I want to do it my way (selfish).

I see people struggle, looking for and easy way, a quick fix. They don't want to invest the effort or time into real solutions. They don't want to serve others. They want their gratification now.

I also am experiencing joy. God is big enough to bring about change, and one day things will be different. There will be a other focused world and not a self focused one. He will establish His world over the course of 7 years, so truly nobody should be left behind. It will be their choice. Its interesting that Moses charged the Israelites with reading the law to everyone every 7 years -Deut 31:10-11.

Imagine a world where people do look out for each other, do make sure their neighbor is fed, do place resources where they are needed. I so long for that world. A world where children can play, there are no wars, and everyone encourages each other. Thy Kingdom come.

I'm starting Joshua, I normally associate crossing the Jordan with going to heaven, I love the song "Elijah" and the artist that did that is gone. But Joshua can be considered an entering into God's blessings, or accepting His promises. The Israelites knew of God in the dessert, but didn't accept Him. It took them forty years (actually an entire generation) for God to get them to a position where He could bless them. Well that isn't exactly true- God is not time limited- my point however is that the stiff-necked people weren't ready to receive what God wanted to give them.

A new believer is like that in some respects, he/she knows of God and wants the things of God but hasn't crucified their flesh or their non-Godly (fleshly) ways. Therefore they can't truly receive His blessings and His best for them. It may take (and probably does) years for God to work in a life to prepare a person to truly walk with Him. Again its not because God is limited but that we are "stiff-necked". God has the "time" and it is His nature to be ready when we are. He stays ready- we have to come to Him.

Well back to Joshua and God's charge to Joshua in getting ready to cross the Jordan. Verse 3 for the ready Christian everywhere we step foot God has given to us- powerful, awesome, amazing. This means to me that any Christian ready to receive God's blessing - He promises it.

Verse 5 No man will be able to stand before you ... I will not fail you or forsake you. That is the thing I struggle with the most, I can see His Hand in my life in the past but I still entertain fear of the future and His continuing presence. Yet the Bible is full of promises just like that one. No person can hinder God's work in our lives or the blessings He has for us- WOW.

Be strong and courageous-its repeated a couple times, meditate on His word. I feel I have one down- the habit of reading and meditating, the strong and courageous part I need His help. Don't look at circumstances, people, but trust Him.

May I be strong and courageous in my continued walk with Him, accepting what He wants to give me and fearing no man. Please Lord help us in our weak areas.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Isaiah is a walk with God, studying the Bible doesn't have to be Bible study in the conventional experience. He recorded his experience with God, what are yours? Its about seeing his relationship, the insight given to him that is available to everyone that asks (and seeks diligently).

Not having wisdom is because you haven't made it a goal, and sought it out. To deny God is to deny wisdom, think of the people who make questionable decisions (not that we should judge them) but is it an indicator of their relationship with God. Worldly folks have the same opinion of us, some of our decisions seem questionable- like why go to church when you can sleep in?

World's problem are the result of the lack of relationship with the Lord, I can't think of one that isn't.

Competition - no need - we should be cheering each other on.

How can my faith be expressed in a way that isn't considered "threatening" ? My position makes me more of a threat to students than any other possible influence. As far as being a Christian we are not a threat to anyone. We have the heart that all should come to know the Lord, so harming anyone is contrary to that belief. Any threat anyone feels from a Christian is not from that particular person, and so to say things like the Bible are "hate speech" shows the condition of the world.

I am not a threat! I am a sinner just like everyone else. A person that has somewhat grasped the vision that God's way is the best way, and that God wants the best for everyone.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

This week you get the notes I'm speaking off of tomorrow night.

We can't have enough knowledge of God.

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God created the earth and everything in it, He also created us. May He come soon and establish is kingdom. In establishing His kingdom he doesn't need us, but He did charge us with taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. How are we doing?

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Do we even know the Gospel, do we even know God's heart? How do we get to know someone- spend time with them.

In listening to people's thoughts over the last month or so the most discussed issues don't even have a God element or influence. If there is one it is along the lines "the Bible says that is a sin". In industry I used to hear we do it that way "because that is the way we've always done it". That frustrated me terribly because it isn't an answer, so to quote the Bible and to say "because ... God said so" is correct, but God has His reasons, and we should search them out, Get to know Him and learn the whys.

We must get fed regularly, and we must be God focused- I was struck recently by the following:

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Numbers 13:2 (God speaking to Moses) Send out for yourself men so that they may spy out the land of Canaan, which I am going to give to the sons of Israel...

Moses got the twelve and sent them out saying (13:18) see what the land is like, AND whether the people who live in it are strong or weak. The types of cities they have... make an effort to get some fruit.

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The report back verse 27 the land flows with milk and honey NEVERTHELESS the people are strong. The Lord promised them the land, but the bad report was people focused.

Focus on God not people, He promised them the land what/why did they care about the people?
As a result of the report, those people never entered the promised land (except two- read what they said about the land and the people), instead they wandered about in the wilderness. Where are we?

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Hosea 4:1 Listen to the word of the Lord, O sons of Israel, For the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land, Because there is no faithfulness or kindness Or knowledge of God in the land.

verse 3 Therefore the land mourns...

Verse 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.
We can't have enough knowledge of God.

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everything we have is from God- we don't deserve anything good on our own merit. We can't praise Him enough

Hosea 6:1-3 Come let us return to the Lord. For He has torn us, but He will heal us: He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us after two days: He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him. So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn: and He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth.

6:6 I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice, and in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
10:12 Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness on you.

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want to serve God?- want to get to know Him? -so many distractions
be His light , be people that reflect Him. It will flow freely out of an even closer relationship with Him.
We'll fulfill the great commission.

prayer earnestly- Dogback Mtn.
Icebreaker question - who has read the Bible through. I wonder how over the years the number of people who might answer that question has changed? Is it becoming less?