Sunday, September 7, 2014

God is the only one trustworthy enough for your deepest personal feelings, and He wants that kind of relationship with you.  As you develop relationship to Him you come to realize that anything not perfect about your relationship to Him is never His fault but rather yours.  So you cling to Him and grow, and change into His image.  You feel his indwelling Spirit because your old fallen one still tries to prod you away from Him.  Even as you listen to the fallen voice and not His Spirit, you intercede for those trapped in bondage apart from the Lord.  You realize He awaits for them to only call to Him and turn away.  Things of this life begin to pale as you look from enjoying the creation your Creator made for you to enjoy to enjoying your Creator.  You see Him everywhere and you long to be nearer to Him than you are presently.  Marvelous natural wonders cause you to speak to the Architect of them, from the small simple leaf or delicate flower petal to the magnificent thunder cloud, miles across and miles high. 

I'm at the threshold of being His totally, and desiring to be with Him constantly, singing the unending Hymn.  Nothing of me is of any value except that I submit to Him and I know it.  It is a threshold I can't cross based on my own will, but must wait for Him to carry me across it.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Can't change people

We can't change people, sometimes we might order them around and as they comply get a false sense of control but we do not control.  The only thing we truly control is our relationship to the Lord.  We have to work on that and as suffering comes as it surely will we can either cave and hide from the Lord or grow deeper into Him.  We can't control others and as we draw closer to Him it becomes unmistakable that the person so frustrating to us is the one we should be asking our Father how best to deal with.  

Ask the Lord why you suffer, its relationship building.  We want easy street, auto-pilot but that doesn't drive us to Him. 


The shadow of His wings

It isn't a feeling - until you get there, it isn't a place we go -we can be there at all times and in all situations.  As we seek deepening relationship we learn to live there, to stay confidently ever mindful that we are His.  To walk through the world with Him as the guide, Giving Him the things we see that we can't deal with - which is most things.  The only thing we really can decide is to be His in all things.

To know we are His in all things casts out fear.

Monday, August 25, 2014

service to God

Service to God must come at the end of self.  If we choose to go before then we are tempted to act on our own strength.  If we realize how helpless we really are for service to the Lord then we will let Him work through us. Our messages will be about Him and not us.  This means we will point toward Christ as we should rather than basking in what we think is our holiness.

We will never feel qualified to work for Him, and we must get to that point under His guidance and leading before we can be of use to Him. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

How is your relationship to the Lord?

We tend to want to compartmentalize our lives, we only have so much time for people, or this activity.  We want to be secular sometimes and Holy at others.  Yet the Lord wants us to be in relationship with Him at all times- there are no lines of distinction or spheres, for us to cling to them is to set ourselves up as lord of our lives rather than the Lord our creator.

Furthermore the Lord teaches us His children through action, not just study.  We often have to live a circumstance in order to drive it home.  The only thing one learns from youtube is possibly how to work a computer better, although much can be seen on youtube.

The Lord wants us to realize His ever presence in our day to day at our vocation, the one we have now and not the great one we dream of Him using us in.  The circumstances of our lives train us in accordance to His will for His purposes.

Further more He gifts us for His purposes, natural talent can be a path away from God when our focus is on the talent and what we see the limits and opportunities as being.  God will equip us for His work.  To sense His leading then not obey because we feel we have not the necessary gift is often done by those who forget that with God all things are possible.

We get caught up in things, rather than relationship to Him.  If He let all our things be taken as He did with His servant Job, would we still serve Him?

Do we seek to know His purpose for our lives or do we do we seek to know Him in all things?  

Are we too focused on self rather than Him?  Are we caught up in the injustices against us (sinners -deserving death) that we need reminding that He wants fellowship with all?

Monday, August 11, 2014

What do you think about or do?

How does one get the mind of God to be what he thinks?  Diligence, study, repetition, immersion into the mind of the Lord.  It cannot be gleaned from another person, it must be taken directly from the Source of Life.  Hearing His Word should be our great desire.

Inevitably and often, things will come out of His Word that we feel we cannot do.  We in fact must because His Word says we must.  His ways aren't hard, the hardness comes from our unwillingness to do things His way, our stubborn stiff necked insistence on our own way. We elevate our reason above His, we make ourselves out to be something we aren't, we seek the comfort of others on our route down the wide path.

We justify our own stubbornness by looking at those we feel are following God even less than we are.  The Standard is to follow the Lord in all things, not just be ahead of the crowd.  There is always growth in Him.

Anything of the Lord that we dismiss as too hard, or convince ourselves it doesn't apply to us, or wasn't meant for us, IS an area of disobedience on our part.  Think on those things, watch for the way you are telling God that He is not, but that you are.  Let Him show you how your way ends in destruction, but His way ends in life.

In first Samuel, Saul didn't fully follow God.  He often times was more worried about what the people thought than God.  He certainly didn't do what He was told, but allowed his own interpretation to cloud his obedience.  We're all like Saul when we cling to our self instead of yielding to His spirit.

What areas of your stubbornness have come to mind?  Yield to His ways.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

developing personality

People are by nature self focused, taken to its end, one can become self focused to the point that the only authority they recognize is themselves.  Their reasoning, outlook, etc. becomes their moral compass they recognize no other authority.  They however did not create the world, and while seemingly somethings may be within their grasp of control, certain aspects are clearly not.  In this mind set of knowing we're not in control the Bible becomes truth, it rings true, whereas before we didn't recognize it as having any authority.  As we seek relationship with the Creator, His word becomes alive.

Certain problems come along - God allows- that we cannot answer or solve, apart from Him.  Once we see His answers and become hungry for them we can ask the questions that He may use to draw others to Himself.  We must saturate ourselves with His truth to push out any remnant of our own misguided thinking.

Once we become His, all the aspects of life that we considered important no longer are.  Our clinging to this life ceases.  Others who are not His (yet- with great hope for them to be His) see our disdain for the things they see important, they see the change wrought by our fellowship with Christ, and we will almost certainly be labelled, ostracized, criticized.

Once we get to relationship with Him, why doesn't the Lord take us home to be with Him?  We have to develop our personality in Him.  There is our personality that we develop as we relate to the world and our experiences, this naturally happens in life.  Our personality in Christ is developed by clinging to His ways in all things.  Even to our detriment (from a natural standpoint.  Are we willing to have our natural life poured out by Him for others?  Endure the tragic circumstance by His strength?  When those that aren't His see our lives poured out, then He can possibly have His way with them.  Anyone can speak of what should be, even with great passion, but to live it out with no earthly reward is a stronger message, and our character is developed in Him.

Is your personality developed in every aspect possible in Him?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fully committed to the Lord?

We are bombarded by distraction and other things in our lives.  We make our own worlds where we escape reality.  Examples:
drugs - legal and illegal
anything sex related where pleasure - without potential consequences of being a parent is the focus 
video games
our own mind- in fantasies and pondering worlds we would create
cars, homes
Basically anything related to me, my and I put above others.

As we involve ourselves in these things, we are saying to God that we are god in those areas.  We fail to take Him seriously.  We are saying the world He created for us His creation isn't good enough, and drilled down that means therefore He isn't good enough.  True happiness comes from knowing Him not the things above.  Any of those things above are dead ends without God.  We need to be focused on Him, be in His word and listen for His voice.

We live in our own little world within His world, yet we need to be solely focused on His world.  Our worlds can't long exist in His world.  We must take God seriously and His ways, and not our ways. We cannot take ourselves seriously.

Concentrate fully on God, give yourself to Him.  We have to be His-willed and not self-willed. Let the life of Christ live through you.  The Lord will engineer circumstances where we must make the clear choice between His world or ours.

So where are you?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

In 1 Tim 1:12 we are informed that we are given strength from the Lord.  Our primary life task is to know Him and out of that knowledge serve Him as He shows us what to do in all instances.

Our relationship to Him should be ever growing and we should realize through His given strength we won't be weak.  If we pause we are really saying to Him, He is inadequate.  We are putting our focus on our own self rather than Him, we are trying to be god in some area of our life, recognize it and give it back to Him.  "Can't" is really telling our Lord "Won't" or "no".  Other people will sometimes try and manipulate you on this point, make sure your instructions are from your Lord.  If He is your Lord obey.

Being faithful to Him is something He has given us the power to do, it doesn't involve our strength but rather only willingness.  It is His capability to re-make us in His image, and that image which is faithful to Him.  His life in us overcomes ours as we join our lives to His, The relationship grows but the victory of His life over ours happens the instant we submit to His ways in some area.

The Lord has redeemed the world, of that we can be perfectly certain regardless of what we see and hear in the natural.  As His, He reaches out to others sharing the message of redemption and His longing that they too will become His and realize His best for them.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

What does the Lord have for you?

The Lord calls us, He chooses us.  Our only choice is to respond to Him or try to run or hide from Him, both futile.  So what has He called you for?  Do you know? then ask.  It can be the start of that development of relationship to Him, hopefully the continuation of one.  Finding out His purpose for us as He guides and directs. 

The Lord is so comprehensive He doesn't have to get you to a certain point, He can start to show you and indeed wants to show you His purpose in creating you.  We only need to seek Him, open ourselves up to the possibility of relationship with Him, be of willing heart.  The Lord longs that none should perish but that all should come to fulfilment in Him.  He won't make us puppets though.

In every circumstance we are His, and also in the immediate present is the time to be in fellowship with Him - "pray without ceasing".  Discount no other soul, no circumstance in being His and letting Him show Himself through you.

There is no need to withhold our strength unless we are going to go our own way apart from Him.  Another futile potential act on our part.  He will impart His strength as He works through us, as we watch and let submitting to Our Maker.

Often we want to be on our time line, we have to be on His.  Things may seemingly not change but adhere to the Lord.  Accept what He shows you, don't try and lead in the speed of growth area either.  Learn to discern His voice, His direction, and obey.

Lose your purpose and agenda, embrace the one He made you for.  Follow His guidance, learn His ways until His ways are your ways walking as Elijah and Enoch did.  You may not understand His ways, deepen in understanding at those points, ask, look for His signs, His voice, not allowing your "sure" self to usurp His position.  He is timeless we are not, He knows the beginning to the end, He is the authority.

Focus on your relationship to Him, you don't have the knowledge of what others must go through in developing their relationships to Him.  Watch for pride, keep you focus proper. Yes pray for them showing your concern to the Lord, longing that He has His way with them as He is having it with you.

Monday, April 28, 2014

How long oh Lord?

In Habakkuk 1:3 the prophet asks the Lord why he has to witness injustice.  To that can be added - oh Lord how long will you let people mock you and your ways.  The guidelines for life that you have given are trampled on evermore in the name of selfish desires.  The people don't realize their actions they have deceived themselves, and deny you oh Lord, it is so hard to endure, so sad that they trample on your ways and yet seek the fulfilment that only comes from knowing You and walking with You.

We Your people haven't spread your ways and shared Your Word as we should have.  We don't take the things like the life of others, or marriage relationships seriously.  We claim to be Yours and yet deny You with our actions.

Self focus is so prevalent that we forget your wisdom, we act to place ourselves ahead or above others and thus beyond any possible consequences, and yet we are not set apart other than in our twisted thoughts that cater to self.

Show us Your ways, they have never been so available and yet they have never been so rejected.

The heart of each of us is desperately wicked, only when we submit our hearts to You is their goodness.

How long oh Lord, How long?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

How things get better

We all long for certain things in our lives that we don't currently have.  We have a clear vision - usually one of our own making - of how things should be what would make life "complete" or "perfect" or any other adjective you can imagine.

When we do that we reject the Lord's vision in favor of our own we become self focused rather than Christ focused.

We almost assuredly will try to act to bring about that vision, manipulating circumstances or people longing for what we think we want to come about. The hope of our way happening brings about tremendous elation and pride if we see progress, and if we don't see progress then certainly depression and self pity.  Real depression- not just down in the dumps.

Success in the endeavour yields a pride that we don't need the Lord, it is an elevating of ourselves to His place. We make ourselves out to be God.

If we don't get what we envision then we go into depression maybe a pity party at first but then a longing to die, not to be in the world to reject the Lord's world as not good enough and therefore reject Him.

So how does the situation we're all in get better?  We all have a situation. How does the thing in life that really drags us down that we allow to do so because its not what we choose or want change?  We all have one for sure and probably many areas.

We have to focus on Christ's ways through a deep desire to know Him personally better and better, Rather than using our own judgements or opinion/determination of good and evil gained in the garden of the Lord prior to the fall, we must submit to Him, what He calls good is good and what He calls evil is evil, and we can spend our entire lives learning His ways.

We have to give up the only thing that is truly ours -our life in order to let Him live through us.  Not natural since our nature is to resist, but the only way things get better.  Easy in that its not a set of rules but rather a growing deepening knowledge of Him.

Cling to Him rather than trying the same old things and expecting a different result.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Where do you go to be alone with Jesus?

In the gospels when we read about Jesus there is often the statement made that He went to be alone by Himself to commune with God.  Matthew 14:13, Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Mark 6:45, Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12.  If Jesus went to be alone with the Father at times (giving up His sleep at times), shouldn't we also develop that alone time with Him. 

Are you spending time alone with the Lord?

Where do you go to be alone with the Lord? 

Has it become habit, or is it a genuine seeking? 

Are you going and being alone to avoid people or to be with the Lord?

In developing our most important relationship - the one to the Lord - there should be that time spent with Him alone getting to know Him well.  This is lifelong because we can't ever fully know Him.

As your relationship to Him grows it will incorporate into your entire life.  The night before His death Jesus went to be alone in the garden to pray asking His disciples to keep watch.  The trial He then went through ultimately leading to His crucifixion, He was God aware and sure of His mission to the point He could accomplish it.

We should seek God awareness in every circumstance we face.  A relationship developed during private alone moments spread out into every facet of our lives.  Prompting us to intercede for those that need it, subtly reminding us to bridle our tongue, putting others ahead of self.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

deception and deceit

Message from April 6, 2014

Isaiah 24:16-17

Deceit still prevails

Treachery is everywhere

Terror, traps and snares will be the lot of the people of the earth.

-Deception and deceit - where are the places we can be deceived?

Complete strangers attempt to deceive us, sometimes intentionally sometimes unintentionally.

-What about acquaintances and friends, co-workers, bosses, those we might be in authority over. Again sometimes they intentionally deceive us, at other times unintentionally.

-Now in the realm of family and loved ones? Ever been deceived - intentionally or unintentionally?

-What about ourselves? Do we let ourselves be deceived, ignore clear signs hoping for the best, hoping for something that fits into our desires?

Some examples:

-The things God despises: Proverbs 6:16-19 All about deception.

-In Isaiah 26:9 it says only when God comes in judgement will we know what is true and right. The closer we allow ourselves to get in relationship to Him the better the glimpse.

-In Isaiah 56:9-12 (11) sinful leaders (of God's people) are condemned - greedy - following their own path - intent on personal gain. They are out there.

-In 2 Peter 2:13 Warning against false prophets - false teachers delight in deception. Some know they do others may not, or pretend not to- we can't know. We can't trust.

-In Acts 13:10 Paul states that a person is the son of devil full of deceit and fraud - an enemy of all that is good. We're all subject to being such people that Paul's description applies to us.

From the headlines:

-ASPCA - a dog is beaten every 60 seconds (1 minute)

-gun violence- 1 person killed by a gun every 1200 seconds (20 minutes)

Not from the headlines:

The one we don't hear or want to hear: 1 abortion every 26 seconds

-In Isaiah 59:15 truth is gone- anyone who renounces evil is attacked. May be labelled a hater for promoting God's design for marriage, A homophobe for stating homosexuality isn't God's best for us His creations. We can only intercede when we see others self deceived, and listen to God's direction. Being true to God's beliefs that are ours.

-Is treachery and deceit everywhere? In Romans 3:4 God is true even if everyone else is a liar. So where is there deception? There is nobody except Jesus in this world that we can trust, and this includes ourselves.

This means:

Regardless of your relationship to someone and what you hope for and think we still can be hurt, usually through some deception or unGodly agenda, whether they meant to do it, or were deceived or we interpreted something incorrectly intentionally or unintentionally. There is not a relationship you can have in this life that will not bring about heartbreak, except for a relationship with Jesus. Even if we are fully submitted to God, people we're in relationship with might not go along with that agenda. Trying relationships can drive you to a closer relationship to the Lord. The only truly fulfilling relationship in life is one with Christ, and to the extent its not we're the problem.

About us:

We are quite deceived. We may or may not realize we're not God, but we try to be god in our lives. Even those that tell you they are Christians may have some areas in their lives where they are essentially telling God - "I got this". When God identified Himself to Moses just before the Exodus he referred to Himself as "I am" (Exodus 3:14) this was how he stated He was in charge He was God. Beware of people including yourself who do that. To say or proclaim "I am...." may be a proclamation of deity- again it can be intentional but probably unintentional. Maybe its an "I can't....", maybe its an unwillingness to do what we feel called to do. Sometimes we celebrate the fact we are sinners and it leads (or deceives) us into continuing in sin. Maybe we accept a label - not given us by God, maybe its one we've given ourselves or others have given us in order to somehow attempt to make ourselves feel better about continuing in sin.

-Its popular to talk about self esteem. Self esteem or Christ esteem - which is most important, and isn't promoting self in opposition to Christ.

-We choose to have relationship with Christ. When people choose not to have a relationship with Christ - intentionally or unintentionally, they become their own God. People get hurt, we're all capable of great wickedness in any area we turn away from the Lord ways to try and follow our own. Taking creation for our own and becoming our own god.


-Matt 16: 13-23 Peter- the Lord is Messiah and then rebuked for his view of things being of man and not God's Also partly in Luke 9:18-20, fully in Mark 8:27-33

-Later Peter was wondering about others. John 21: 21-2

-In Romans 1:21-22 It says we know of God but refuse to listen to Him rather we think up foolish things. Claiming to be wise, we are utter fools

What we deserve:

In Isaiah 53:6,9 All of us like sheep have gone astray, we have left God's paths to follow our own.

He (Christ) had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. We deserve crucifixion - why do we deceive ourselves and play the victim when bad things happen to us? We're self deceived that somehow we deserve something, when in fact bad things are what we deserve. The only good we ever do is when we let Christ work through us or shine out of us. The good things in our lives are His abundant blessings given to us anyway.

God's Plan :

We were created for relationship with Him, and He desires that relationship. With everyone. He wants us to want relationship with Him, but He will not force it, so we have a choice. We realize from our relationship history in this life that we can't have a true meaningful relationship without the free choice of the other and the continued choosing to make that relationship important.

-We have to spend time with the Lord to develop it, just like we willingly spend time with any person we want to know better. We need to learn to hear his voice.

-In Romans 7:14 Paul's struggle- he does the things he doesn't want to do, and doesn't do the things of God, constant struggle constant choice - certain doom if we let "I" be in charge. Nothing good lives within us. Our natural nature is to sin, do our own thing and not God's, but we have hope.

-In Acts 17:27 - His purpose is that Nations will find Him - although He is not far from anyone. We have to have the option of turning away, walking away.

-In Isaiah 30:18 the Lord waits for us to come to Him- to want that relationship actively to be at the end of self, realize our brokeness. In the Beatitudes He blesses the broken because only those that tear down the deceptions around them know of their true condition. Mat 5:3,8.

-In Isaiah 50:11- watch out you that live in your own light, and warm yourselves by your own fires - the reward from the Lord will be falling down and great torment. We must leave our program, our desires, and our paths, and must be on His program.

-In Isaiah 55:8,9 - My thoughts and ways higher than your ways, His ways beyond what we can imagine. Another reason to be on His plan rather than our own.

-In Isaiah 26:3,4 God will keep in perfect peace those who mind is stayed on Thee

Relationship to Christ isn't smooth sailing:

In the last days there will be persecution of the church, being a believer will be a crime.

- In Mark 13:9-13 Last days- beaten in synagogues, stand trial for being His followers. Those that have relationship with Him will know what to say and be able to endure.

- In Matthew 24:9-13 Jesus followers arrested persecuted and killed, many turn away, Good news preached throughout the whole world.

- In Luke 21:12-19 Jesus followers arrested, betrayed by families - some Christians killed. Stand firm

-Lazarus condition as Christian Luke 16: 19-31 He only had relationship to Christ, versus the man who seemingly had everything missed Christ.

-Paul and Silas in prison. Acts 16:25-30, proclaimed God's ways and word.

-What will you endure for the Lord. In this life Lazarus had nothing. Abounding deception can develop our relationship to the Lord. As can relationships- good and bad. Focus on the Lord develop relationship with Him - remember what we deserve. We aren't promised anything materially, no smooth sailing in life, relationship to the Lord is enough, it has to be, it was for Lazarus.

Sheep and Goats:

-In Isaiah 26:8 Shows trust in God is to obey His laws, it is action- not just knowledge of. Obedience to His ways - lip service is a continuing deception.

-Sheep and goat separation Matthew 25:31-46 The Lord knows the truth and will act on it, only in Him can you know it also.

Now what:

So what are you choosing concerning the Lord, are you deepening your relationship? Are you in self deception? Its a question only you can answer, the Lord is willing to help you develop your relationship to Him to the extent you are willing. The Lord is everywhere - you can meet Him where you are, you can come down to the alter so people can see, you can crawl under the pew - but He is there, you can't get away from Him.

- In Isaiah 65:12 God called, no answer, He spoke- nobody listened, they deliberately sinned and chose to do what He despises. Its interesting that He said we choose.

- In Isaiah 66:4 The Lord will send what you greatly fear - He called, no answer, He spoke nobody listened.

-These were the Lord's call to His people prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and them going into exile.

-Romans 12:1-2 - conclusion develop relationship with God constantly in touch, being led in His ways.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Love and Forgiveness

In 1st Cor 13 it says that love doesn't keep a record of wrongs, so the person that says they can forgive but can't forget is a person who doesn't love you.  They are proclaiming they don't love you but they probably won't admit it.  They think in offering forgiveness they are showing an act of love.  Love doesn't keep records though, so the not keeping records is the true test.

Most people who keep records do so they'll tell you so that they won't be hurt again.  Somehow they will see it coming and it won't hurt as bad the second time.  Oh really?  Part of love is to hope for the best and endure all things.  So that would mean we have to risk repeated deep life shattering hurts along the same lines by another person if we do in fact love them. 

We have to put them first above us.  Do they deserve that? NO absolutely not, nobody does.  Do we deserve to be placed first in our lives - NO, not us either.  Then there is only one to be placed first, the One who won't really let us down (unless we consider He doesn't give us our selfish undeserved wants).

When we risk continued hurt by others in our attempt to truly love them and learn how to truly love - we look like utter fools in the eyes of a casual observer but our Father in heaven smiles at us as we truly give up our natural inclinations to embrace His higher ways.  Only through His Spirit and help can we truly love like He Loves us.

Saturday, March 8, 2014