Sunday, June 19, 2011


Imagine a world where people don't look out for number 1. They let others do it for them. In fact if we concentrate our efforts into looking out for those in our lives, we won't have time to worry about what is happening to us.

Who are we that makes us special? That makes us rank above anyone else in the world? - answer nothing.

If we concentrate on meeting the needs of others and not worrying about our own - will we be taken advantage of by others? Almost assuredly, there are people with a self focus that will take advantage of others. They aren't better than us, or more deserving they just don't know any better.

I believe a world where we look out for others is the world God intended. After all Eve was a "help meet" for Adam, her job was to help meet his needs. Not think about her own. Adam recognized Eve as being a part of himself, the part that he should concentrate on meeting her needs. What a beautiful thing God created. As people we are to look out for the needs of others rather than our own.

If you think we do OK in that area currently, look around. Look in slums, countries where people die of starvation, and quit kidding yourself. Quit justifying your own selfishness.

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