Saturday, June 7, 2008

Its been an interesting week reading in Leviticus. I used to think of sacrifice as something we lost in giving it to God, but considering in the old testament the animal gave up its life, the sacrifices of time and effort on a personal level is what God is after. Its a this world sign acknowledging our belief, an action to back up words. If your sacrifice doesn't cost you anything, then it isn't a sacrifice.

For instance if it is flour you bring for sacrifice it must be fine flour- finely ground -which takes longer more effort either personally or more cost associated in having someone grind it to that condition. The sacrifices were to be without honey or leaven (things we don't make)- bread rises without our effort, and bees make honey. If its an animal it had to be without defect- a choice animal good for reproducing and continuing income, also young so many offspring possibilities.

In the light of those kinds of sacrifices how do they compare to ours of today? Has it cost you time and physcical effort to sacrifice, are you giving Him future wealth possibilities. Now we have to be careful, He would rather have obedience than sacrifice, so like most things we can concentrate too much on sacrifice and comparing ours to other's and miss the point.

The poor are told to sacrifice, so it is possible for everyone to give up something as a sacrifice to God. I also wondered how many people who could afford sheep sacrificed turtledoves or pigeons. I'm guessing the poor would have had to make the effort to catch the birds.

Lev 14:34 is interesting, the Lord can put a mark of leprosy on a house, which will mean it will have to be inspected by the priest, and possibly reinspected. Clean and unclean and atonement, live cleanly and make atonement for uncleaness- this is going to fit later with the command to "be holy". The scapegoat also had the sins of Israel confessed over it (Verbally).

We are not supposed to eat blood or the fat. Blood is life, what is the fat??? I'm looking for that one as I read.

Most of Leviticus is defining sin and rules for living. In the book the steps of sin are clearly stated: knowledge of, confession of, sacrifice, restitution (20%) and forgiveness of those that sin against you is very important. Confession -do we confess our sins like they were told to do over the scapegoat? as we discover them verbally? Do we make sacrifice based on our transgression showing our desire to turn from our ways? Do we make restitution? Do we forgive those that sin against us?

Leviticus 17- a prescribed way to sacrifice, offer it to the Lord, you are to offer the sacrifice in a way that you don't control how the Lord uses it. Some folks sacrificed in their own way and the Lord said to cut them off from the assembly. In other words we are to give up control.

Leviticus 18 is a do and don't list, but in reading it this year it struck me that it is also God telling the Israelites what happens when people don't acknowledge Him and His ways. He is also forewarning them of the how the people in the promised land will be. They followed what they thought was good in their own eyes, and wound up sacrificing their kids. We call that behavior abortion. They became me focused and not other focused so they tried all kinds of things. God told the Israelites to follow His ways, perform His judgements, keep His statutes. Is it "hate speech" on our part when we say that our God has stated very clearly that homosexuality is not a good idea? It isn't hate to warn people who are breaking a statute of God, but rather actually an act of love, its not our opinion but His, and we recognize He will deal with those that continue or don't repent. Also its interesting that the way God prescribes things has a logical basis and in depth research supports what God has said. For example - children need a father.

Do what the Lord says, just because someone else does it, does NOT justify it. If we follow the ways of men it will be a trap.

In Leviticus 19 we are to be personally Holy just as our Father is Holy, and we are striving to walk with Him. In harvesting don't glean it all, but leave some. Leave others an opportunity, don't strive to be perfectly efficient and watch out for greed. In verse 17 correct your neighbor, but do not hate them. First fruits, first part of income or the first part of the blessings received from God are His for us to sacrifice and give back. Then there is the verse don't profane daughters and make them play the harlot and I am reminded of all the youthful pictures we see on magazine covers.

EZE 33:13 The Lord tells someone they will live due to their righteousness, and then the person trusts in the righteousness (not God)and commits iniquity. We must trust in the Lord and realize that any righteous we exhibit comes from Him. Once we get satisfied that we are righteous, then pride and iniquity is at the door.

EZE 33:14 The Lord tells the wicked they will die, and the wicked turns and becomes righteous and makes restitution- then they live. I think the key to this verse is realizing and acknowledging God holds our lives in His hand so if he tells us we will die we can believe it. Restitution is true repentance.

EZE 34:2 Shepherds should feed the flock and not themselves. The Lord will feed the flock. As part of the flock I enjoy sharing what I discover with each of you. I hope its encouraging, some of what has been shared with me has increased my desire to keep studying and going deeper.

Question -is the city described in Ezekiel former or future (it sounds like New Jerusalem, but there will be sacrifices???)?

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