Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm reading in James and reviewing in the Gospels. It is amazing how the points I just wrote on tie into the points I just reviewed. One of the things I wrote tonight and that will later show up in this blog (hopefully) is about catching a vision of what God wants for your family, your work, every aspect of your life. I may have just said it better than I did earlier. I added what actions can you do to bring God's plan about, what is He leading you to do? My work seems to be more chaotic and my reactions are definitely in some cases not Godly responses but oh well only one Person is perfect, and it isn't me. I hope to ponder and reflect and catch a glimpse of His vision.

I also want to make sure I post a pic. Its a picture off of the trail I have adopted. It was recently ravaged by fire, but is coming back. Winter is approaching and the view was quite serene. When I took this I was out alone in the forest- no dogs, no helpers, just me alone with my thoughts and feeling small compared to the vastness of the world.

John 5 Again another twist in reading it chronologically (at least someone's opinion by chapter). Now Jesus is at the pool of Bethesda. He finds a man sick for 38 yrs - 38 yrs is a long time. He asks if he wants to be made well and the man informs Him he has no friends to put him in the water when it stirs. This contrasts the four friends of the paralytic who dug through a roof to get healing for their friend. God sees everything. Jesus told him to get up and take his mat. Later Jesus sees the healed man and tells him to stop sinning or something worse than a 38 year sickness may happen to him. 38 years is roughly half of the expected lifespan of humans. Generally we don't like to be afflicted with anything unpleasant for more than 5 minutes, imagine half a lifetime then imagine that the consequences of sin may lead to a lifelong affliction. People become paralyzed, and lose limbs and although God can fix their physical defects He may choose not to. His grace is sufficient and He wants us to realize that as He told Paul.
I often wonder about the miracles Jesus performed. In chapter five we see our answers He was so totally in tune with the Father, He understood His Father's will, and did what He saw His Father doing. What is God doing in the world right now? I think we lose focus and slip into what God is doing (or can do) for us. We have to be in tune with Him and want His will (Thy will be done), and not expect any personal gains. Jesus later says He does nothing without asking His Father. He judges based on what God tells Him and according to God's will. His human interests are in subjection and are not an influence. Oh that we could be like that. Now that He knows His Father's will, and asks Him what He should do, the miracles come and the miracles then testify in Jesus case that He was sent by the Father. In our case any miracles God performs through us testify to Him as well. We look for honor, and to be used by God we have to realize it is Him and give Him the credit for it.
John 5:39 people search the scriptures, they are looking for the secret code of eternal life. But the Bible points to Jesus, He is real and He has recorded written wisdom and and practical applications for everyday life.
Men's approval isn't what Jesus sought, but rather His Father's approval. He wasn't looking for honor but rather to do His Father's will. One day men will honor someone who seemingly has all the answers but they won't be God's answers. We should seek the honor that comes from God alone, which means we have to be a vessel He can use. This means we need to forget about our wants and agendas and seek His will, and ask Him what we should do. God does not need anyone of us to do His will, He will accomplish what he has purposed with or without our help. He wants us to have fellowship with Him, but He doesn't need it to accomplish His purposes. We need to be in fellowship with God to have fulfilled lives, but we don't naturally want that.

Matthew 12 This chapter contains another version of the disciples in the grain field which I previously discussed. Here is another Sabbath discussion Jesus asks "Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath?" People particularly the Pharisees interpreted the Sabbath rest as a day to not do anything related to making income. In a sense it is, and furthermore through Jesus illustration of the sheep in a pit people accepted the fact of protecting their wealth or income potential as OK. He is pointing out that helping others is more important than protecting income or wealth, and there is no "day off" from helping our brothers in need. God would rather see us show daily compassion to others rather than a sacrifice (which is usually interpreted as loss of income) to Him. In helping and serving others we are worshiping and sacrificing to Him.
The other point of this chapter is that God clearly states that a person cannot be "on the fence" in regard to accepting Him. "He who is not with Me is against Me; he who doesn't gather with Me scatters." I think that can be applied to us on a moment by moment basis. We need to be cognizant of serving God in ALL things, and further realize that if we don't have God with us and involved in our plans - we are working against Him. Now again we can erroneously build ourselves up by thinking that God needs us, or feel like He depends on our efforts, but we are small- a vapor compared to God.
Lastly I like the tree illustration good trees produce good fruit, bad trees produce bad fruit and trees are known by the fruit they produce. What kind of fruit are you (a tree producing), Are you producing any? Jesus in a later chapter checks a fig tree to find it isn't producing any fruit. My guess is that no fruit is the same as bad fruit, because we can't ride the fence. God should show you things (fruit) that He is producing through your willingness to serve Him. If you don't see any I suggest you reflect on your service and pray and ask Him for guidance. He may be waiting to tell you some things, and lead you into a better way.

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