Monday, October 24, 2016

come quickly Lord Jesus

Father we cry out to you.  In a country where we've turned our backs on You for our own selfish ways.  We've failed to raise our children in Your ways because we have rejected Your ways. 

Strengthen us Lord to not be unstable and double minded, but rather Christ minded in all things.

Soften the ears and help those who don't hear the crying of the murdered unborn to hear and repent.  Lord I cry with them "How long?".

Your ways our higher than ours- as Your word says.

Lord help us .

Sunday, October 16, 2016

a change

In "my utmost for His highest" today it said pray in all things in the situation you find yourself.  So instead of weekly posts which I'm failing at i hope to offer prayers. 

My recent thoughts are why do people turn from God?  The Lord in His earthly ministry never forced Himself on anyone, but when they were ready for Him, He was available.  So scaring people to Christ may mean people confess before they are ready, then there is a falling away, or is it a falling away.  The disciples had an experience of Christ as did the apostle Paul that they were willing to die for Him.  People who confess Christ and truly have relationship with Him will have that kind of experience.  It will be a personal experience that probably can't be proven the disciple just knows.

Jesus is ready and waiting knocking at the door of all our hearts if you will to have relationship with us.  Yet we often fall into a belief that we can make and control our own world when in fact we cannot.  It is at the end of self that we truly find Him.

In terms of prayer we have to not look at our circumstances but practice the presence of Christ at all moments in our life.  Look at Elisha, surrounded by Assyrians (2 Kings 6) but he saw the armies of Christ so spiritually he saw, in the natural he appeared foolish.

We as supposed Christian don't promote Christ in all facets of our life and so we get to deal with the drama of life and its all around us.  Cling to Him, its not about serving its about deepening relationship to Him.  Service will come out of deeper relationship.

May God bless you.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

16-10-02 notes

Have you bowed your knee to Christ yet?

How is your relationship to Christ?

Are you convinced that Christ' ways are best and that anything you think best that don't align with Christ' ways will end badly? Do you realize the only way we can all live together in the harmony we claim to want is to put Christ first?

Has life taught you continually that you don't know everything, and that when you actually did think you had everything figured out your were often in error?

How is your legacy? Isn't our only legacy our children? Were your children inconvenient, or is it more likely you realized the "inconvenience" was only your own selfishness?  Do you realize we have no control over our legacy, others get to decide.

We will all bow to Christ because eventually we come to the undeniable conclusion that we aren't God and He is. We are creatures living in a world that we did not create - another conclusion we all come to. We often try to re-create the world the way we want it, but if it doesn't align with Christ's plan it will end in loneliness and despair.

We all have relationship to Christ just as we all have relationship to our fellow humans. Some humans we don't know, some we cherish being around, others we avoid. Our relationship to Christ should be the model we follow for our relationships to others.

Do we hope the best for all - the best being close personal relationship to Christ? do we long for that? Pray for others?

Are our own feelings and wants sometimes repugnant as we realize our own selfish wants, and the fact we're ok that others will be hurt?