Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The call of God

God desires relationship with us. I've said that many times before. I've been reading Jeremiah 15, and will probably develop an index card of notes to speak from if given the opportunity. In this chapter is a couple of interesting points.

To set the background - God has had enough of Judah's sin, and He is sending judgment. This can seem like God is going to unfairly make people suffer. Any decision we make could/would make people suffer, but this is the God who created us, and knows us intimately. He knows our hearts, so if He sends judgment - we have gotten to the point of NO hope. This statement has to be qualified as well, there is never NO hope with God, but maybe rather we've gotten so far outside of His will that He is sending correction.

What does God want from us? Well He wants to be a part of our lives, He wants us to grow in our knowledge and dedication to Him, He wants us to share Him with others, because its a method (not the only) He chooses to use to show His majesty. So here we are in Jeremiah 15, ultimately we find out that the people of Judah had chosen to turn away from God, after being taught and led by Him for generations. His love is long suffering for generations, if we suffer 10 minutes, we think we're entitled to some kind of recognition.

So here comes His judgment, why because these people had gotten outside His will and needed correction. Will the rapture happen and the tribulation period- I've believed for rapture for a long time, most recently I've questioned it. What are my motives? I want to miss the time worse than any other time in the history of the world- who wouldn't? I do see examples of God sheltering His chosen people, so rapture is a plausible possibility. How this pertains to Jeremiah 15 is this, God is giving the people direction based on His decision. His will for them is to die, or to be killed in war, or starve, or go into exile with nothing. Not very pleasant choices, but clearly God's call for their lives.

When we think about the call of God we get marvelous visions of doing great work. We're always asking kids what they want to do or be when they grow up, creating this marvelous euphoria within them that they are going to be a rich doctor or lawyer. Live a life of luxury and ease. As parents thats what we want for them. Good things, and God is our parent, He wants good things for us.

God wants us to know Him, and to speak His words for Him. Moses had to speak God's word to the Israelites in the wilderness, because hearing directly from God was too fearful for them. It doesn't really matter our occupation, or position in life, He still desires us to speak for Him. He might call some of us to a life less than what we dreamed of as kids, our speaking for Him might reach only a few, certainly less than others probably. Those few are important though.

I've wondered what He wanted me to do, and I've thought about it in terms of occupation, position, and yes I gotten ideas about "doing great things for God". What He wants is an obedient son/daughter, going where he/she is sent, and speaking His words to those before us.