Thursday, April 30, 2009

The start of Jeremiah and thoughts going into it.

After doing a study of the book of Isaiah I felt strongly led to continue. Our
Sunday night Bible study seemed the place to continue. In thinking about it a
very strong truth came to mind: We have two choices, we can (1) wait for God's
direction, and fit (Him) in our busy lives or (2) we can read and study the
Bible and listen to His voice and fit ourselves into His plans. There is merit
in waiting on God, the Bible says those that do will mount up with wings like
eagles. It also says those that seek God will find Him. Its a good thing to
fill your life and time with the things of God.

I started reading Jeremiah and in the light of tough economic times and Israel's
rebirth approaching 70 years, one particular section stuck out. I didn't
initially write it down but that just made my re-reading more careful as I
searched to confirm I did actually see it. Its the section where God tells
Jeremiah not to pray for the people of Judah anymore, He has set judgement in
motion and is not going to listen. In light of the other things in Jeremiah,
God's example of His longsuffering and His desire that people come back to Him
make our efforts seem trivial.

I wondered if one of the signs of end times would be that God tells His people
a similar message. There is a lot of symmetry in the Bible with similar
circumstances often repeating. I personally have a burden for the lost, I would
not want any to suffer or be separated from God. I also know God will give them
additional chances, and He will bring each individual to a point of decision.

He is ready even in the trib period to reach out to those that call to Him.

What an awesome God.

In worldly terms Jeremiah was a failure. He preached a long time to a people
that did not want to hear his message, did not turn from their ways, and he
watched first hand the death of his nation. His burden for his people often led
him to tears. Much like the tears of a parent when a child chooses something
that the parent knows will cause him/her hardship and anguish.

In heavenly terms he stayed faithful to God, and spoke what he he was given to
speak. Jeremiah realized who God is and he realized that His ways are the best
and really the ONLY ways to consider. Even in the midst of decline and the
destruction around him.

God is the only answer worth pursuing.

Chapter 1
God knew Jeremiah before he was born, before he was conceived, and yes all the
way back to when the world was formed. He had a plan for Jeremiah's life. He
has a plan for your life- from way back then. All we have to do is submit to
His ways.

God told Jeremiah His plan for him. Why? because Jeremiah sought God, and
wasn't selfish enough to try and use that information for worldy advantage. He
was submitted to God's authority.

How did he react when told? Jeremiah lacked the confidence that he could do
what God asked him. How many of us go to job interviews with all our weaknesses
hidden and brimming with confidence. Its funny my life experience has taught me
that the people who are most confident they can do a job are often the ones that
perform the poorest. Over and over again I've seen it. We've all given the
"know it alls" plenty of room so when they fall on their face we won't be their
cushion. I got to be careful here, I also believe that we should be praying for
the enlightenment of the "know it alls", and be there to help them up.

Jeremiah wasn't the driven individual, the corporate ladder climber, he rather
placed his focus on God and look what happened.

God went on to tell Jeremiah that He would be with him whereever he went, and
that he would see some fearful circumstances, but not to be afraid.

God placed His Word in Jeremiah's mouth. He has blessed us in the US by putting
His Word (Bible) in our hands. He also said every word He gave Jeremiah would
come true, and for us that means He said His Word (Bible) would come true.

What an awesome God.

God helped Jeremiah to see His ways. He showed Jeremiah things and made sure
the signs were interpreted correctly. He coached Jeremiah, He wants the same
type of relationship with you. What did Jeremiah have to do? He had to pay
attention and let God do the work. He had to submit to God's ways, ask Him in,
then let Him prepare Jeremiah for the purpose He had in mind.

He wants to do the same for us.