Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 20, 2008

Let Your words in my mouth be like fire, and these people (Your people) be as wood. Jer 5:15
Listen – search God let Him show you what he will show you.

I've witnessed people glory in what God has done in the past (praise God for it) but not expect Him to act anew.
I've seen people that based on their past -continue to punish themselves.

ISA 43:18-19 Don't dwell on the past- look for new from God everyday.

Israelites wandering in the desert- if God didn't do something miraculous everyday they quickly desired returning to slavery. His past actions weren't enough.

God's passion is for relationship with us
God's desire is that none should perish 2 Pet 3:9 All of us
we have experience in this world- we're used to it we focus on it, our Father wants us to live in His kingdom, and focus on it
Our Father has many children in fact we are all one large family
everyone is your brother or sister.
sibling experiences – fighting, competing for things of this world – immature
wanting the absolute best for siblings – maturity, no competition.
Now apply the mature concept to all people.

Hell is bad, immediate family member do you want to go there? If every person is potentially a brother or sister which of those would you send?

What would make Him speak to a Samaritan woman. In the world we are familiar with the Samaritan women was a woman and a Samaritan (sex and race ordinarily would prevent dealings with such a person)
He considered her as a sister? A sister that will share in the kingdom for eternity.

Cain and Abel- Cain asked the question is he brother's keeper- YES

We should treat everyone as a potential occupant of heaven- a brother or sister. The minute we “decide” that a person won't “make it” to heaven we are judging them.
We need to realize also that other people are at different points along the path in their walk with God.
Paul held coats while they stoned Stephen, what “fruit” was he showing that day?

ISA 58 we should check our motives - do we serve God for our benefit? or for the benefit
of others?

Something else that I heard-
flattery is saying to someone's face what you wouldn't say behind their back.
Gossip is saying something behind someone's back that you wouldn't say to their face.
When we pray for others, it should be exactly what we would say in their presence.
Don't try to involve God in either.

God in our individual lives

(read the slide)

He reached out to people in a way they could understand
Jeremiah had to learn to discern, Abraham, everyone- and God wants to speak to you.
A process and everyone of us will be at different points
everyone of us will respond to God in different ways
God is big enough to know where you are and meet you there
He does not need to reach you through another person.

Word listeners- regular habitual Bible reading, learning
to walk with the Father (Prov 22:17). Read where He leads you, share what He shows you, and see Him working in the lives of other brothers and sisters. An amazing incredible tapestry of interaction of a father with His children. Sharing what God is showing you NOW!

Now what? God is in control, things will get better and better for His people. They will come to know Him better. Jesus said it is finished, and yet we don't act like it is.

Expect God to do great things for you. He is that perfect father that the rest of us fathers don't measure up to – not even close.
Every day/ every week. Think of someone hard to pray for and pray for them...In praying for them you will probably have to pray about your own attitude. Our Father wants to give us wonderful things, but like any father He is waiting for us to get ready.

Powerpoint slides

WOW ­great messages

God in my past
­looking back can clearly see His hand Praise His name
­dwelling on past? –
become complacent
satisfied ­not expectant
not accept God (beat ourselves up over our past)
Israelites wandering in Sinai

our walk with God­
He desires relationship ­with everyone
He wants us to live out His kingdom
­not this world
We are to be a family­ His family
Ever consider others (all others) as your
brothers and sisters? Mark 3:35 ­Jesus
followers are His family.
immature siblings
mature siblings

Samaritan woman?
This world­ a woman, a Samaritan
God’s kingdom­ a sister­ no wonder
He spoke to her.
Cain and Abel ­”brother’s keeper” a
question the entire Bible is the answer
to. ­YES

Consider everyone a brother or sister! Treat
them as a co­occupant of heaven.
No fruit?­ Paul
not as spiritual?
­we don’t know other’s hearts
­we don't know where they are in their walk
Isa 58 ­our motives for serving God
Intercessory prayer­ regular?
flattery? gossip?
God wants honesty before Him.

Now about our personal relationship with our Father.
He wants to talk to you, directly, personally.
He knows how to reach you, but He wants you to want
to be reached.
He wants to give you good things­ like all fathers want
for their children.
He has the guidance you want­ and search for.
The answer for you that is best ­which incidentally
may be different from a past answer, or someone

Are you willing? Willing to learn to discern His
Like Jeremiah, Abraham, Samuel,...
­ He’ll work with you­ He wants
Word listeners­ regular reading where your
Father leads you, and sharing with your family

Future – God wants good things for His family. What
He will do in the future for His children will be more
marvelous than what we've seen in the past.
Available now­ Jesus said “it is finished” –we have right
relationship through Him.
Imagine – God's kingdom
people are valued not money
no homeless or hungry or disease/suffering
a family that wants the best for each other
Praise God