Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Notes discussed that finish Isaiah on 09318.

Ch 65 New heavens and new earth

Glory to God, some people find Him without looking for Him (Israel). He chose
Israel not the other way around. They can seek Him without asking and will
find Him without looking. He says to them "here am I", He is reaching out to
those that don't want relationship and tried to ignore Him.

He has reached out to a rebellious people, people who walk following their own
thoughts (turning their backs to Him-going their own way) rather than His
which is not good.

Still reaching even though their rebellion provokes Him, they offer sacrifices
to other gods- make up religions (potluck- Message). Like a spouse committing
adultery this people put something other than God first. They spend the night in tombs- worshipping the dead and seeking answers from them. Is relying on "tried and true" similar, rather than checking with God?

They eat forbidden foods, and unclean meat, try to hide from Him. All the
things He has said are not in their best interest and yet they do it. Like
children who test the rules.

Deny fellowship with each other- make a hierarchy - one person thinks they are
better than another. Not good not God's way

These things reach God's nostrils- He can smell them, it makes Him gag

He seemingly keeps silent, He seemingly accepts, but our sins are written
before Him and he is warning He will repay. Our sin and iniquity of not
following God's direction will manifest itself within our being. It will cause
us health and other problems, and yet we don't realize this and reject our own
ways. It is also generational, our disobedience shows up in our children, they
follow our examples. Even though God is willing to forgive us, sometimes the
consequences of our former sins have to be dealt with.

vs 7 - so none of us is good enough, and God will repay, which sounds hopeless.

Vs 8 yet God will have clusters of followers, no matter how bad it gets, and He
will act on their behalf. He will protect the faithful. Israel will have
peace He will establish it. Even Achor- he was destroyed for holding back
goods set aside for the Lord (Israel was commanded to stone him and his family)
(Joshua 7:16-26). Those that seek Him He will let find and then He will

Those that forsake God, and forget Him. Ususally to go after fortune (money- a
god a lot of people follow), and destiny -(luck) doing what they want. He will
destine them to the sword, but He reminds He did call to them, He did speak to
them and they chose not to listen, choosing rather to do things He does not

Vs 13- He takes care of His servants- those submitted to Him anchoose Him.
Blessings will be recognized as coming from God. While others will suffer for
their choices. Its interesting that we recognize the importance of "choice" in
many areas- schools, neighborhoods, cars, but yet in others we deny choice -
serving God. People who don't choose God who has called to them will die. God
will hide former things from His sight- He will forget.

New heavens and new earth created- former things forgotten. People will
rejoice in His creation (we can do that already) as they should. Jerusalem for
rejoicing and the people of Jerusalem for gladness.

No more weeping or crying
long life a norm (brought back)
not overtaken - peace and stability
God will be there- personally having relationship with us
No evil or harm.

A wonderful picture of heaven (new earth and new heavens) Isaiah 65:17-25 -
fellowship with God- His presence, like the garden of Eden.

Ch 66

vs 1 we often look to our external works or accomplishments as a reason to for
God to love us. He is saying- as big as we can imagine, He is bigger still.
Also our accomplishments come from His creation - He made the parts and gave us
the wisdom to assemble it. Not only that He already owns what we think we
"give" Him materially.

Its our internal condition that gets His attention- humble and contrite of
spirit, trembling at His word. This is what He seeks.

Hypocrisy (vs 3) people choose their ways and not God's. Killing an ox like
killing a person. Sacrificing a lamb like breaking a dog's neck. I think the
point here is motives and choices. We choose to do things we think God should
"accept" rather than ask God what he wants and obey. We often think we are so
smart, and we delight in it.

Yet it will lead to punishment, He will expose our nonsense. (Prov 10:24)
What the wicked fear they will face, what the righteous desire He will give
them. He desires to be involved, and not letting Him be fully involved makes
us wicked. He also knows our fears, and our fear should be of Him.

He calls, He speaks - we ignore rejecting Him and choosing to do our own thing.
Things that are not good for us.

We should respect His word and believe it and listen to what He tells us
through it. Then obey, even though it will in all likelihood cause family
problems. We are putting God first and rightly so. Our families will taunt us
when we choose God. Message question - they will ask if God is so good , why
aren't we happy?


They ask not because they want to know, but rather to justify their choices
(the ones not of God).

Why do some Christians not seem happy, is it a burden for the lost, Jesus
expressed anguish over Jerusalem.

Vs 7-9 a reference to the re-establishment of the nation of Israel prior to
the time of Jacob's trouble. The 7 years of trib. It did happen in one day
too. Another reference to pregnancy and the certainty of a future event.

The (new?) Jerusalem is a joyous place, God will make Jerusalem's light shine.
Nations will give their glory to it at His word. Some had shed tears over it -
I believe Jesus was one of them. New Christians can learn there and be fed.
It will become apparent the Lord is acting and we will have great boldness-
those of us that are His. The Lord comes in fire with chariots like whirlwind
- the way Elijah was taken. He will slay many- He knows their hearts, and many
will come to an end altogether.

The hand of the Lord will be known to His servants- His actions will be clear.
The Lord will also be indignant with His enemies.

All nations and tongues will see His glory, He'll send missionaries to all
nations, and the Jews will come back to Israel from all nations (they will be
sent back). They will be presented like an offering.

All mankind will bow to Him and worship Him.

They will also see those that did their own thing (rebelled) - and the result
of it.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Notes discussed 09311

Blessings also from God- better than we expect. Peace and righteousness, no violence (with His help) I think we will get it. No devestation or destruction. The Lord will be our light. God will be our glory- He will give us some of His, peace and possesion of the land us, the work of His hands. Everybody will be important.

Can we have these blessings now? I believe we can, He will set up His kingdom and it will be worldwide, but as we follow Him and submit to Him I believe we will be blessed. Doesn't mean we won't have issues and trials, but the very presence of God in our lives will make them feel insignificant.

God will hasten the happening of this when it is His time. Praise God it will happen though. Smallest becoming a clan and the least a mighty nation. There are no prerequisites in God's world, all He wants is a freely submitted heart and mind to His will.

Ch 61

The versus Jesus read to start His ministry.
Bring good news- Gospel message to the afflicted, bind up the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to prisoners. To proclaim a favorable year of the Lord. Luke 4:18-19.

Next line not read by Jesus "and the day of vengeance of our God- This is picked up in Isaiah 63:4- clearly shown in Isaiah before Jesus. If He had said that would the trib period have happened back then? To comfort those that mourn, and grant those in Zion mourning Garland (beauty) for ashes. I played that song one Sunday AM - Isaiah is oft quoted in song lyrics. Gladness instead of mourning, praise instead of fainting. In a sense when we feel faint - our strength has run out, and God can work. When we mourn we acknowledge our helplessness and He can then help.

The person who feels faint and is ready to give up and that God then works to strengthen for all appearances seem strong and called oaks of righteousness. Our seeming endurance is from the Lord and He should be glorified as the giver of it. Any goodness we do is from Him and us submitting to the direction of His Spirit.

Once God strengthens us then we can rebuild. This chapter specifically refers to Israel, but believers are grafted in. God will act openly and vividly through His chosen once they turn to Him. Turn fully to Him. People that have submitted fully to the Lord that He then works through, will be recognized by others as blessed, and taken care of.

We should not submit to God and let Him work through us for worldly gain, but rather for His gain- we have to be careful of our motives.

The Lord loves justice, and He will give them their due. His people will be recognized. The nation of Israel (and grafted in believers) will be the priests to the rest of the world.

Rejoice in the Lord - He has clothed us with salvation (subtle but a gift, not earned), He wraps us in righteousness, again received from Him. Hints of the armor of God were written God through Isaiah.

Just like dressing up for a wedding, we have to put on the garments God has given us, we have to want them.

The Lord causes rigteousness and praise to spring up. Again by blessing those who honor Him.

Armor of God Eph 6:10-18
14- girded your loins with truth Isa 11:5
breastplate of righteousness Isa 59:17
15- your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace Isa 52:7
shield of faith- not mentioned
17 helmet of salvation Isa 59:17
sword of spirit not mentioned - but Isa 11:4

Ch 62

Isaiah is speaking, He gets it, that it isn't about Him and his gain but about God and that His way is far better than our way.

Isaiah (people submitted to God) will not stay silent for Zion's sake and for that of Jerusalem. He speaks, He guides, we don't listen, and maybe try to hide from. Holding onto our selfishness. Israel His nation will be righteous, and the world will see it.

They will get a new name- generally - which the Lord will call us.

We will be a beauty in the hand of the Lord (not us in our own power but Him shining through our submitted state). He will hold us, but we have to let Him, He calls us we have to answer and submit, and when we do and are firmly held in His hand - and do His bidding it is a glorious thing.

The people not forsaken, land not desolate, but like a marriage we will be joined to God .

Verse 6 and 7 - the scripture to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) Peace in that city for the Jews, peace in the Lord for the church, you who remind the lord take no rest, and give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. Pray for the millenium and the new heavens and earth expect it look for it. Parable of persistent widow Luke 18:1-8. Ten virgins (Matt 25)- five weren't prepared when the Lord came back, they didn't live in an expectant state, and were not prepared when the announcement came.

Verse 8 and 9 - a promised answer

The spoken word setting it in motion, making it happen.

Ch 63 The exiles' prayer

Here is a reference to Christ coming from the land of the enemies of the jew. Edom was against Israel. Red garments- Christ fighting for Israel- alone- He needs no help. In His wrath and anger He punishes- hasn't happened yet but spoken so assured- He needs no help. The call to "kill the infidels" has nothing to do with our God, because He can. He wants us to pray and witness that they may turn and know His peace.

Blood is life (Lev 17:11-14)- His garments will be stained with their life. In Isaiah 61:2 there is a day of vengeance. When Jesus started His ministry He stopped just short of quoting that line. The line after day of vengeance talks about a year of redemption a millenial reign- new heavens and earth. Jesus will pour out their lifeblood, He needs no help.

vs 7 The lovingkindness of the Lord, goodness granted out of His compassion and not of their merit. He states they are His people who will not deal falsely- God said it, one day it will be. He was afflicted with them, He redeemed them, He carried them, but still they rebelled.

He led them but they would not listen, He guided but they ignored, therefore they grieved the Holy Spirit. Therefore He turned and fought against them. Giving a dose of justice when His desire is to give mercy.

This caused the people to remember all the things He had done for them. Parting the Red sea, caring for them daily in the wilderness, They missed God. When He doesn't act in our lives we can miss it. Especially if we have ever experienced His moving in our lives. Most of us can look in our past and see God at work, but now in our present we go off on our own.

They call for the Lord to be apart their lives, then in true human fashion blame Him for hardening their hearts against Him. He gives us a choice there. Vs 17 He does not cause us to stray from His ways, it is our nature to do so. He has allowed it, because He wants us to come to Him fully submitted. This chapter ends by comparing the state of Israel to a people who have never known God. It takes diligence to walk with Him and a concious effort not to revert to how we naturally feel we should do things. That being said His yoke is easy, and He wants to help us. Just like flesh nailed Jesus to a tree, we have to nail our own flesh to a tree- rejecting our way for His. The better way.

Ch 64

Its stated in the Bible that there will be a worldwide earthquake when the Lord returns. In studying Revelation there is a reference, and many in other places. Isaiah is calling for the Lord's return- He gets it, we need Him, He is our only hope. This will be a worldwide event and it will be clear that it is the Lord, even to the unbeliever. He created this world after all, its His, regardless of how much and how many men may deny it.

He will move in ways that aren't predictable, but He does give warnings of His action before hand to those watching for Him. He is God who acts on behalf of those waiting for Him, who acts in the righteousness of God and rejoices that it is the way things should be done. People who study God's ways.

God was angry because of our sin, sin we continued in for a long time. Sin hurts us, its not what is best for us. It grieves God because He wants what is best for us. We all failed Him and our helpless before Him, in other words our deeds are of no count. It is only in a submitted state doing His deeds of God's righteousness that we are of any use, and that is God acting through us. What we think is "our" righteousness is nothing. Our iniquities can gain power over us, He must deliver us. We must recognize that as well. A submitted heart and being helpless, realizing our need for God.

Yet God created us, and we seek His mercy. Our sin causes us great problems, and then we run to God for a quick fix without submitting. God is seemingly silent when we want our way and not His, allowing us to go deeper into tradgedy. Then we want to blame Him for it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Notes discussed 0934.

Ch 59 Salvation message- clear

vs1 - we often act as if God is powerless, He is reminding us again that we have the shortcomings in how we see the magnitude of God rather than Him.

Our iniquities separate us from God, not those of our parents or those we sometimes feel justified in blaming for our sins, He hides His face from our sin because He is holy. Our hands are defiled - we act ungodly (set traps for each other), and we speak lies and wickedness.

no one sues righteously- lawsuits, and no one pleads honestly.

We trust confusion, and speak lies (politics)- its our comfort zone. God's truth is something we in our natural body or inclination turn away from. To conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity is to act on our ideas rather than than God's.

v5- We embrace our own dangerous ideas - from that which is crushed a snake breaks forth - law of unforeseen circumstances- its right here in the Bible. Our plans are not well thought out, they meet an immediate need and the details or consequences are never fully considered. Yet God knows the beginning and the end so why don't we trust Him, and take His advice on issues. Is it pride?

v6 our ways our doomed to failure, all ways not from God are doomed to failure, and yet we don't seek Him.

v7 their feet run to anger - we play the blame game, placing blame sooner or later, then watch out- innocent are punished or killed

Our thoughts are thoughts of iniquity- not God's, and anytime our thoughts are not His we are in iniquity. Devestation and destruction result. Peace and justice flee, and we will make our paths crooked. Prov 3:6 - In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight.

Justice becomes far from us and we cry out for it, but its our actions that push it away. Another thing to think about is do we really want justice? If we realize our sin condition, do we really want what we deserve? I would say we want mercy instead- the mercy we don't like to give others. We want a pass for us, but yet hold others accountable In our condition of not seeking God nor acknowledging Him we have created darkness where we want light, we walk in gloom. We end up pushing a chain.

We stumble and grope with no vision, hoping for the justice (without really considering it) that we pushed away. We long for salvation- rescue- it too is far.

Our (not other's) transgressions are multiplied before you, our sins tell on us. V12- we know our iniquities- we realize it, we catch a glimpse of our true condition. Have to realize to repent.

we realize we have denied the Lord, and turned away from Him, we say things that oppress people and are not in agreement with God. Lies come from our heart, and justice is turned back - we are responsible for lack of justice, it is reinforced. Righteousness or right thought stands far away, we get so consumed by our unrighteous thoughts.

Truth is denied, based on our actions, the world we made, or are trying to. It is us that should be blamed and not others.

v15- whoever turns aside from evil becomes prey to those in the condition common to man (the one that is apart from God). Once we get to a condition of suffering, we want others to suffer, and we attack those that turn away. The lost attack those that come to the conclusion that there is a better way, and act to seek it. Man's desire is that we all suffer in misery. At this point we call evil good.

The Lord saw, and is still in control (thankfully). He saw no hope from us and had to act Himself, His own arm brought salvation for us. Christ seated at the right hand of God. Armor of God- yes references more later. He desired to do this (wrapped Himself in zeal as a mantle). Desired for us, to give hopeless us hope through Him. According to deeds or actions He will repay. Wrath to adversaries.

v20 a Redeemer for Zion (and those grafted in), who turn from transgression - the act of repentance- turning from. Acknowledged in v12 and turned from v20. He will covenent with those that turn to Him, placing His spirit on them and His words in their mouth. In Ch 57 after one generation of evil there is wickedness. This wickedness can be overcome by acknowledging our condition, our helplessness, and turning to Him away from it. He will place His word in the mouth of our next generations.

As I was typing this I had the thought that those that grow up in the church are somehow "less" wicked, but the description put forth in this chapter applies to all of us, and when we realize our true condition (wicked and helpless), that leads us to repentance (turning away from it and to Him) then God can work with us. His work is everlasting.

Ch 60 Zion's redeemer

A glorified Zion, the glory of the Lord has risen on Israel. Darkness will cover the earth- spiritual or literal? Nations will come to the light of Israel- the Lord. From the darkness they will seek light, in utter darkness and in realizing this condition we seek light.

They all gather and come to you, sons coming from afar and daughters being carried. Abundance of the sea turned to you, wealth of nations come to you- Israel will have something the rest of the world wants, and they will be willing to give up their money, and make a true sacrifice to get it. Livestock and gold. The world will praise God, His house will be glorified. This worldwide revival will be led by the Father Himself.

They will realize God's mercy, He who struck Israel in His anger but has an anger that doesn't linger and who readily forgets. They will seek that favor. Some won't submit and perish. I think the world has to get to a point where most people realize the fallen condition of man. Persecution of Christians will be the final step, we will be labeled as the Obstacle, we will be used as the excuse for the continuing failure of man's ways.

We then ended with a discussion on forgiveness, as part of love and forgettting wrongs- or not keeping a record of 1Cor13. Its hard for us, especially having the knowledge of good and evil (the tree God did not want us to eat from). We want to hold on, guard against future hurts. I think its about perspective - is there anyone you would not want in heaven? God wants all of His creation to be there. Is there anyone that you would give up heaven if you knew they would be there?

I hope the answer is no to both. Hell is not pleasant, and it isn't a place we should want people to go.